that's what I was thinking too....but he's been given approval to use the WA State logos on his website - Govt. is very protecting of their branding and would sue him nicely for unauthorised I can only assume that it has an 'in principle' approval.
I was told it was "Nippon Racing". I figure that, since the budget for building that sort of infrastructure would need to be pretty substantial, it must be a very well organised and high profile competition - like GT500.
2006 to Waikiki, 2007 to Mandurah, due to budgetary allocation limits, government cashflow and the AAA credit rating.....
....although a wiley contractor could theoretically....
but, we digress! GT Track, GTR racing, woot woot!!!
a girl I know reasonably well told me (and cam) a little story in passing on saturday night.....
it appears that bunbury may have negotiated the construction of a GT track - for the specific primary purpose of hosting three rounds of the Nippon GT racing.
The infrastructure development will include construction of a new international airport to enable fly-in fly-out service access (which would also act as a flow-over from Perth International during busy times), and a 45,000 seat racing venue - which they would expect to sell out - effectively doubling bunbury's population!!
apparently prices for water-frontage properties in bunnas have already taken a sharp rise in anticipation of a formal announcement......and her uncle own a bit of property down there, hence her interest/involvement.
....anyone heard anything else along these lines?
hey, y'all, I heard a rumour on the weekend that the city of Bunbury have negotiated a massive track construction and will be hosting at least three rounds of the nippon racing (I assume thats GT500??) cup!
the venue is expected to hold 45,000 fans - and sell out every event?!
sweet huh!
cam - meeting sambo and the boys from uni at south perth for a few quiet ones then having a night in...
wishing I drove today....I hate double demerits.
the terrible tuesdays...
saturday night -- biig one.
feel cool all day sunday,
monday, you're a bit shady. occassional tremor or heart palpatation.
Tueasday - you might as well go home, because your boss is paying you to sit there feeling sorry for yourself and the paper on your desk is all too much to deal with..
denver, that's a myth. Ive been down that one many a time.
you get a much better response if you flirt with the bar-girl and ask her nicely anyway.
adrian - re: training, I mean about the red bull...
they will serve you water from bottles with no lids.
take a lid then you can re-fill the bottle and not have it sploosh all over you..
btw - red bull is only good once your energy is low. you do training right? if you want to drink something during the day before - drink apple juice. it's got lots of accessible sugars which your body can store without overloading and doing a gluten-dump.
plus it's a hydrant - unlike OJ/Pineapple juice.
don't take the bag inside. all your mates will treat you like a ****ing safe-deposit box. let the bunkers carry their own stash.
adrian - what venues is god's kitchen using?
btw - my advice:
1. if you are going to stay out all night, drink about a litre of diluted sorts drink about an hour before you leave. you might piss all the liquids out in the first hour, but you will need the salts.
2. Pack a towel, a tee shirt, a bottle of water, deodorant and a jumper AND SUNNIES in a bag and put them in the car boot. you will need all these when you leave.
3. Leave your jumper/jacket in the car when you go in. it will be vary hot inside and you will end up taking it off anyway....better to go back and get it if you get cold than leave it behind.
4. wear comfy trainer - though i dont think you'd wear anything but?
5. consider shorts.
6. take chewies and dont let any bellends know about them. if you can stay hydrated and chew chewies to avoid gravel mouth you will last a lot longer. Just dont be surprised if a million muppets ask you "have you got a chewy maaaan".