I have noticed since getting my skyline that I have developed a certain amount of paranoia about other cars on the road, particularly plain looking commodores and falcons following, and my impact on general traffic.
some of it would almost undoubtedly be linked to the fact that I couldnt afford to have the time, hassle and mostly the expense associated with getting yellowed. And I'm acutely aware that legality isnt necessarilly a factor in canary receipt.
ditto my concern about whacking other cars and never being able to get insurance again.
I'm also aware that as driving records go, mine aint that bad. I don't hit trees that jump out in the road (touch wood. haha), havent lost my license before, and only have three demerit points. (i.e. Ive got 9 left).
I'd be interested to know what others in WA felt on this matter - particularly in relation to their driving record. I dont care if you think you're a hot-dogger, those people with shitty driving history know who they are. if you sit there for ten minutes rattling off your fines history for inurance, or when the insurance quote consultant leaves a deadly silence after you've described your phou pahs - it's bad.
is a paranoid driver a safe driver? am I paranoid about being paranoid? is cautiousness next to godliness?