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Everything posted by zanda

  1. back. someone's having a birthday. I'll hold off for cake......hmmmm.....lovely cake!
  2. soup time. brb.
  3. yeah, I tried to play with that thing on the freeway once. the tinting was MEGA dark, so I couldnt see inside. the driver wasnt interested though. was bloody nice looking car though!
  4. yeah - went for a drive last night and some punk in a rex tried to make me bite. stupid FR.
  5. hmmm...... xenony. Ive heard they arent as well balanced front to back - which creates a bit more understeer......never been in or driven one though, so Im only proporting heresay.
  6. I wouldnt mind making mine a bit faster too! bloody slow car!! I want the rain to stop so that I can go for fang-fang.....need to test the speed cut on my pivot meta.
  7. yeah, I wouldnt mind one!!! Ive heard theyre a fair bit quicker too..
  8. bloody low! no Niz and no Vspec make whoretown something something..
  9. gday aidwin, everyone. wass goin' on?
  10. sorry. I assume you mean brett though!
  11. bam.... youve got to get him to reply first
  12. hmmm... chocolate lovin'! yeah, apart from the obvious, Adrian and I do look alike. just different hairs...
  13. hey adrian. liz - I gather fondue is also a metaphor - for something rude!!! RUDE!!! *dirty dirty* I want to go home now.
  14. this is a dodgy conversation..... I feel yuch!
  15. yeah Brett - I noticed that. Bit cheeky really!
  16. a vag by any other name... where'd the baminator go?
  17. bam - asked you before but you never answered - did you ever work at Ozzy tyres in Cannington??
  18. yeah, me too!! um, bam - did a guy called joel from SilWA ever get in contact with you about speed metas? He said he wanted one and I told him to call you... other things for on my car??? I dunno. seen any spastically cheap catch cans? you could bring me bck some money. I could use it!
  19. what's it mean?? im all left out!? bam - sure did! it's unnerving at night cause it looks like an emergency/error light coming up on the dash.. yet to test the speed cut tho. stupid rain..
  20. bam - did you get that money?
  21. huh? the guy you work with has sand in his vagina? metaphorically or literally?
  22. haha. I though that was a particularly wonderful piece of genatalia naming. though I prefer vag. It's got that slightly *classy* ring to it.. as in "Ive got sand in me vag!"
  23. guess not. nevermind. peelie - haha. that's well amusing. It's pretty much what I assumed a peelie was, but the context adds to it somewhat.
  24. so.....was it Matt? im a grown boy now. I can handle the Peelie!!
  25. hmmm.....liz is giving me the silent treatment...
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