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Everything posted by zanda

  1. where!? bummer. that sounds cool. 2ISD2Cool
  2. hmm... I know not of solid lifters vs (non solid??) lifters. might have to do some reading up... so paully - what happenned to the RB25DeTT?
  3. what are ISDs?
  4. bam - just be careful to try and find a block that hasnt been recond two or three times - because your mates will probably have to bore the cylinders. If they block has been bored several times in the past then overboring could become an issue.
  5. bam - RB30e second hand. they will need to stip it and dip it anyway. Paul - Im pretty sure that there are some guys using standard RB30 rods to make BIG HP in 25/30s. pardon my ignorance, but why is the 26 so much better than the 25 for this? does the extra clearance in the head make than much difference?
  6. bam - there's a fair bit of "Ive dont this before" knowledge required (by the sounds of it) when it comes to drilling out the oil feeds and retaining the cam timing.
  7. bam - theres a kickass thread on the 30 conversion in forced induction performance. I think the conclusion to date has been that the RB30E block with shot peened RB30E (N/A) rods - should be sufficient for some very high HP. they'll definately be looking at forged pistons if theyre talking tens anyway.
  8. cool. I thought you were avoiding me... *sob*
  9. must be something about KFC - greasy fingers... :confused:
  10. Around once a year there is a pinball and arcade auction held at claremont showgrounds...... and I think the last one was about a year ago.
  11. poor niz bam - call me on 0402027955 if you read this. or dont. see if I care
  12. sorry team - my busy work called for work again. brett didnt you move into new offices the other day?
  13. 1000 people or even 2000 I can dig. 35,000 is about 32,500 too many.
  14. hahaha....... :wipes tear: niz, you hardcore oldskooler you....
  15. 70- is a lot of pages! snyper - yeah. that is why I dont like big festivals. some b/s always happens... ....keep it small. keep it loud and keep it dark. Intimate small kru going off beats 100,000 dusty sweaty gurners any day.
  16. phucked? why so?
  17. niz - ministry of sound is a crock of shit. they charge $70/ticket - and deliver the same experience as a $30 ticket night. DNB people just end up paying for doof burger lasers. that's my rant. btw - belvior is good provided that you have breathing apparatus and a total fire ban.
  18. gday bam. whassup?
  19. arian - no wazas mate. I will just have to keen doraemon a little longer...
  20. lol. youngins adrian - you'd be surprised the similarity between hip hop and jungle. you going to go to Herbaliser? Niz - Gatecrasher and MOS are my worst nightmare. Unless someone very good from DNB land get slapped in a dusty tent I wont be putting myself through that .....
  21. niz - Im a graduate - so I start at level 2-4. plus I get extra stuff because Im an engineer (4 year uni course) you might find that level 1-1 pay is better than what you see from the other side of the temping contract. the best thing for you would be to find an existing psition that is advertised and apply based upon your relevant experience.
  22. hehe. adrian, you'll have to come out with the headz some time...I reckon the DnB scene would be right up your alley. We'll have ya sporting dreds and talking like a Jordie Rasta in no time!
  23. snyper - u seen cams white whale thrashing around west perth?
  24. niz - dont even know what the test is?!
  25. adrian - whats ur email addy?
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