funniest accident I have seen/been involved with was as follows....
an ex GF and I went to KFC for lunch on Canning Highway, and she was in a fairly shit mood. greasy food and my charming wit didnt help matters, and when we eventually left, I think it could be said that she was a tad stroppy.
anyway, weleft the parking space and went to reverse across the parking lot into a vacant space opposite at about 50km/h. more unnerving was the fact that the driver was looking forwards while she did it.
I had a moment of consciounce whilst I decided whether to:
A - pull the handbrake and risk a verbal barrage about "you dont trust me, waah blah wahhh!!", or
B - throw caution to the wind and let fate decide what delightful manner of object, if any, we might hit.
I went with fate, and sure enough, we hit something, HARD. I jumped out of the car to see what...... time you're at KFC Canning Highway, have a look along the ends of the parking spaces. you'll notice that the most north-west space has a shorter bay, with some land cribbed away for a pole. at the top of the pole guessed it, the Colonel's Giant Bucket.
So yeah, My ex hit the KFC bucket and rooted the back of her gemini.
bugger me if those things dont shake like a pendulum when they get a good whack. thing bobbed around for about 5 minutes.