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Everything posted by zanda

  1. Ive officially had the shits with my j-o-b. Im thinking about quitting in a couple of months.
  2. We wont be going to Scabs and Captain Munchies I can tell you that much!!
  3. Im a different individuhal. 2 lane is good.
  4. gotta organise the maps tonight - any suggestions?
  5. parking at work was crazy this morning - so I had to park up the street! parked in a 2pm to 9pm clearway. stupid WestTrans!
  6. scweet. need to go move my car, but CBFd
  7. bam - I need to know asap how much I owe you for it - so that I dont run around not-paying you for yonks.
  8. bam - das no good bru! what you gonna do?
  9. bam - u gonna just let me know when speed meter comes in? Any Idea how much I owe ya? Im gonna need to fully budget for it - how sad is that!?
  10. hey bam Im back from work for 5 minutes.... anyone know that JonniMo character?
  11. no one ever wants to play with me.... except the odd p-plater in an XF falcon. I cant figure it - it's not as if my car is even that fast. Maybe i look too mean.... :mean: so instead I just drive around like a crazy man all the time...
  12. paul - Ive got 3 sets - Russ knows Ive got his and Liz's, but theres that Jonnimo Guy who hasnt gotten in contact with me yet..... I wonder if anyone knows him!?
  13. Paul - is that $500 for a second hand cage?
  14. whoa double post...
  15. coming from bam - who is now "Mr Teetotaler" wassup bichis!
  16. coming from bam - who is now "Mr Teetotaler" wassup bichis!
  17. it's Richie because Richie is better than Dick! Bam - that's a ****ing catastrophy! Why do people crash so? I have driven some little cars, and now Ive gotten used to my 33, I feel so unsafe in everything else. I wonder why people crash imports so often - I think the opposite should be true - cause they drive so much better, have wider better tyres (generally) and bigger brakes etc......
  18. bam - wtf happenned to your car?
  19. lol@financial minister. My treasurer is becoming cutthroat. Paul - I have your tool(s) Cam says he is well, but a bit blocked up?!
  20. problem with the coast is.....the flashing blue-light-fish and dead stright roads
  21. Boostsy - I hear ya on the turn off of F&F. that has to be the worst moofie made. The question is, with all that budget - why didnt they just make a shithot racing movie? ala - a legal getaway in stockholm. After all, it's what most people wanted to see anyway!?
  22. Paul - apart from the getting lost bit, that hills one we did without you was pretty good. There was a really good road that we missed the turnoff to. that made me sad.
  23. what's the significance of 42? there's a soarer I see around town that has L33t language on his plates. I think it's something like S04R3R
  24. that's coz ura a nerd. computer geek paul!
  25. lol@tough pPaul beats up on students to satisfy his grandiose dominatrix complex.
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