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Everything posted by zanda

  1. IM BACK!
  2. ugly boot, but sweet rims! http://www.kiso.tsukuba.ac.jp/~k961554/myc...ar/2001_8/1.htm
  3. that things a bit low aidwin! http://www.kiso.tsukuba.ac.jp/~k961554/mycar/2.htm Aidwin - RE the GTR panels, can anyone see a price for the front quarters?
  4. Phuk yeah!
  5. Jonni and Russ, please PM me you details so I can sort this all out once and for all!!
  6. I had my MSG dose for the day already. today is shopping day - go and buy my $25 dollars worth of frozen meals and packet lunches to last me the next fortnight.
  7. Bam!!! Maccas hurts the baby Jesus! It is rank dawg! Go get a decent takeaway if you must - jap or thai or something! Han's black pepper squid - or Thai Chilli noodle soup..... ...whaoo....Thai Chilli noodle soup..... :drooling:
  8. haha. what was the license plate on that P-plater commodore on the way to breakfst that time? Drifter or something?
  9. Ken = king dingaling. Go ken Go! teach those uppity SA scum how to drive! incidentally, if anyone feels like a larf, track down the whinge some guy has over the last JMS drift day - mpg file - its on their site somewhere. Piss funny!
  10. YAY!!! *hugs bam in a grotesque legs AND arms manner* *the crowd winces in horror*
  11. hey richie, wassup?
  12. cam - I just sent a dirty email!! (dirty as in curt, not as in porno). Gimme your report or **** off stylee. Im a big-wig now! What's the other video of paul - you yabbering? BAM - SPEED METER!? Niz - hi niz.
  13. go valley girl! cam - not yet, but the time is near...... bam - I heard about you and KFC bitch! paul - you play the gimp so well.......It's like it's part of your personality
  14. Cam - Its nearly my turn to yell at someone!! Haha! Go Gimpo! I ve got that video - its hell funny. he even does the gimp yell! "mmpphpmpmppppp!"
  15. I think if we can get 50 it will be a good event. I'd be happy with 50.
  16. Dan - somewhere between 50 and 100
  17. Niz - get something from the boss you're working from now. If its shit, dont use it, but its important to show continuity if you can..
  18. Paul - SilWA are well behind it. I think theyve got a few people who actually went through PMH cancer ward as kids.
  19. Paul - Show us ya pythons!
  20. Niz - organised refernces yet? Anyone keen to help me organise this night - in terms of collecting money etc please let me know. I'm gonna have to figure out how to avoid getting rolled!!
  21. hey cam - hows tha head buddy! Couldnt tell if you were distracted or 3/4 cut or both!!!
  22. net abuse!!! yay! they did that at my work a while ago - people gambling got shipped off to other departments quick-smart. they're now working for government beekeeping or some equally drole shit. Neon driving soarers are ****ing difficult people!!
  23. nb?
  24. Dan - what you up to this weekend then?
  25. Hey aidwin, hows the passenger seat treating ya? Dan - that's good Dan. you just be a good boy now.
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