look here princess, you are obviously not happy about something in your life, and for some reason this thread is apparently where you feel like venting, but the statements i made to the insurance company were all completely true. the mistake was made at the assessment centre, because i checked out their paperwork. it listed both the front and back damage as new damage, so they must have had my car, and the car in the middle of the accident mixed up. i reported all the correct information both over the phone, and when i handed my car in, so as far as i see it, it's not fraud.
i just thought i would share my happy story, where i didn't get screwed over by the cops or insurance for a change, but as i said, there is always some asshole out there wanting to cut you down. in the words of god knows how many soppy movies, "why can't you just be happy for me?".
last bit edited by col
These were un-nessary comments, take your frustration out via pm's