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Everything posted by PWND

  1. Love the rims Scott. I don't even remotely have the right tools to attempt something like that. I might give the guy from precision rolling a call and see what he says. Otherwise may wait a while and go see camerons body works
  2. Not that I have the cash, but what size wheel would you need to run for these?
  3. This day just won't end..... Tempted to schedule in a phantom meeting for the afternoon and knock off early. Does anybody know where I can call for some light guard flaring? Not game to do it myself. My rolling job was a bit agricultural so not game to do much else.
  4. This weather is killing me. Hate shitty weather at the start of the week. Hard enough to get motivated as it is.
  5. Another glorious morning Boz, you getting the 34 back this week?
  6. flat out at work May be in for german club. will know closer to the day.
  7. I was trying to figure out if it was or whether this is something a church going man might have to do on the occasional afternoon
  8. Morning. On the way to Australia Zoo Wheee.........
  9. Tfit Got RDO tomorrow. Can't wait for the week to be over
  10. Sunday, not Saturday. For some reason I thought brekky out at lakeside was Sat. This puts a spanner in the works. I am going to be extremely hung over.
  11. bump still here and are now off the car
  12. Morning Place looks a bit different I reserve my verdict till I see how it runs on my phone
  13. Might do the same and take thurs and fri off Go on a short family holiday
  14. I hadn't thought of that I might look into it. I had just planned on doing a roof cut in the near future
  15. Morning y'all Short week this week. What date is Anzac day?
  16. I had a few too many to be there. Plus my attendance is poor at best to begin with
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