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Everything posted by PWND

  1. I might or might not be there this evening. Have a work meeting at 4:30pm, that will probably go till 6:30pm, so not sure if I can be fucked doing anything after that.
  2. PWND

    Fs: 32 Gtr Rims

    undoubtedly by now, he's probably willing to take offers
  3. There is usually 5-10 people that show their faces in the evening. Just make sure you turn up to Hungry Jacks, not Baskins. Might need to consider changing the thread title, or creating a new one..... once we decide on a concrete new meet spot.
  4. same here. couldn't swing a day off on my birthday, so instead having one today. got the new call of duty, so will spend the afternoon on the couch.
  5. Heh, cheers I am at work Can't even sneak out early. Have an actual real meeting on at 3:30pm for a change. Not one of my fake meetings that I try to schedule regularly in the afternoons
  6. This. Width iteslf is not a problem. Rolling diameter is.
  7. I have some that have been sitting in my shed for a while. After a machine should be ok to go though. Probably... Will bring them on thurs, wherever we meet.
  8. Yeh, the one opposite the mazda dealership. There next week?
  9. so what's the plan for next week's meet. we need to concrete in a venue kfc indro? lots of parking, lots of seating? or even the maccas or hungry jacks on moggil. big carpark and a big outdoor area?
  10. yeh, no complaints here 380rwhp at 16psi
  11. I am out for this evening. Going to Robin Williams out at Boondal.
  12. pissed off i didn't see these earlier pm me if sale falls through
  13. Here is that P plater crash on the M1. The car somehow cleared the centre barrier and got stuck in the damn bushes
  14. sounds good to me. that general area suits me well once again, near st lucia coles is quiet good as well, as there is a fair bit of eye kandy walking around at that time too
  15. fark this weekend flew by. Between being on call, being drunk and all the sport, the days just disappeared. when I get home I will post a pic of a p plater crash on the m1 we saw on our way home from the coast on saturday. it was a solid effort.
  16. farken lol
  17. That just makes the wang look bigger in comparison
  18. I don't understand, you spotted StreetFame33? As well as Hot r33?
  19. As forseen, not a particularily productive day. It's not even noon, and I am already at home, pretending to be in meetings. Martin, who were you going to use for your cage? Deliberating between a cheap half bolt in job, or just biting the bullet and doing it right. My mate that was going to do it is too busy with work
  20. Bit disappointing about the message. Wait and see what he comes back with. As for othe meeting points in the area, the St Lucia shops just near uni wouldn't be a bad place to meet up. Fair few takeaway places there, and a bit of parking. We could probably get regular seating at the Salt and Battery or such. I will rack my considerable brains tomorrow for other possible places, as I don't forsee a particularily productive day at work.
  21. John, farken lol Glad it's Thursday. Day should hopefully breeze past
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