with the previous power the setup i have was perfect it was quick in and out of corners and stuck to the ground, your saying to aim for lower power but 300kw aint much less then what im chasing, im running 10inch slick on 18s so traction isnt a problem( well it wasnt, it will be once new motor is in) i dont have loads of money but im not going half arse and skipping corners, if it takes another 6months to spend the money and get a better suspension setup ill do it, but i dont really wanna go soft on the motor just cause my setup wont handle it or i might not, ill have to learn quick, but in saying that ive done are fair few track days ls2 days open days etc and a couple of super sprints so i do have a bit of no-how!
thanks TO4GTR thats the kind of ball park im looking at achieving and cheers guys for the feed back.