I had a VIP backstage pass and at the end of the show, I was able to have a good look at all three of the "alleged" Ferraris.
Firstly none of the three had any red trim, so that photo is false, two had mustard and one was all black.
Now i don't profess to be a Ferrari afficionado, but they certainly had ferrari dials, large slotted rotors 355mm at least, large ferrari/brembo calipers,
rims had 5 studs not 4, they were all well and truely beaten up, with gaffa tape here and there and some shitty panel repairs.
The rear hatch/engine covers were opaque/scarlet in colour so the engines were'nt visible, but is that so unusual? So I'm not convinced
they were copies yet, a mate of mine took some pics so hopefully he has a few of the cars in question and if so will post.
Still they were not high on the ogle ajenda as the koenigsegg, R8, Gallardo, W427, promo girls, etc, were.
EDIT: but then again........clicky me for looky.