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Everything posted by PORTS

  1. I found it staggering, the amount of very tidy Nissans, although I think that next time I'll try to get all the SAU members who own Zeds to come along, should bring the number up to 12 or so.
  2. Once again SAU does it in great style. A huge undertaking to organise with a massive turn out. Hats off to all the committee, associated members and in particular Adam, cheers to you all. More cars on show than Gosford a few years ago, which was hard to toss. The quality off machines, the time taken, the money spent, the admiration of fellow enthusiasts, the companies with their sponsorship and quantity of prizes. Sorry to hear about some who left their tyre marks on the grass and on the road as they left, I know that I gave mine a little squirt (not a burnout), so I apoligize to all for any embarrassment.
  3. Very nice pics Richard, that okonomiyaki looks very tasty. Hmm, still can't see any zeds though.
  4. A couple of SAU Zed owners will be there.
  5. I'd be high flyin with ho's for a week!!
  6. Seeing as I'm an organ donor, I think I might jump in early and sell a kidney.
  7. Well done Corinne, I just hope it isn't one of these!! harness
  8. And Wizard and ports from Miracle Zed Motors, John.
  9. Bugger, I can't make this one, got too many people wanting to learn how to cure their slice!
  10. Wow, this is unfortunate. I always found the whore threads amusing, well mostly, but I didn't realise that people were being abused. I guess thats why they invented "boost cruising"?
  11. I think I'll start polishing.
  12. Well done to Adam and the crew for getting so many cars on the dyno. Would have liked to run the zed, but I didn't want to embarrass myself.........Next time maybe.
  13. PORTS


    I might come along for pizza, maybe.
  14. Yep well done Raul, you picked up the lines quickly and once you get the hang of corner 2, you'll save even more time. Very impressed at the speed of the 200 with only minimal mods.
  15. Yep confirmed today, Beer Baron drives like a fag, but Oz GTR02V is hot on his arse.
  16. Lame excuse dude, stacks of fun had Chris, even Glen Seton made a cameo appearance.
  17. I can't make it for this one, but I might come out in the afternoon for a perve.
  18. No you don't, but it's a good idea to have one anyway.
  19. They will bolt straight on, but the offset in the 350z is +22 I believe. I'm not certain what the offset on your 32 is, but you may need a spacer?
  20. Not fair, I can't get my butt and shoulders in john's skinny ass seat!
  21. I wonder if they would be any good running on the drag strip???
  22. Top effort John, keeping up the profile of the cardi' boys. Lots of fast cars doing quick times, great spectical.
  23. Butt Burgler and sausage pirate, count me in.
  24. I'm good for the 16th aswell, got some two piece enkei's comin soon so need to test (thrash). These are private practice days and you'll need at cams licence, at least a level L2S, which is easy to get. :sorcerer:
  25. I went down to have a look and it was pissin down on the M7, but it was better at the track. Saw a nice pair of GTR's, white 33 and grey 32 and a tough lookin S13, doin their stuff on a drying track. Someone in an integra lost it down the hill towards the hairpin corner 8 and smacked the wall, arse first. I'm keen for laps BB some time soon.
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