Yea check the first post now, i've updated it with all that info but here it is again anyway:
Address/directions to MDTC:
8 Prairie Oak Road Marulan
Requirements/Other stuff:
Long sleeves/pants, helmet and closed shoes are required, fire extinguisher is not.
Current CAMS or AASA license is fine or you can buy a 30 buck marulan license on the day (lasts for a year).
If you have a particularly loud car they may want to check the noise reading on the day and possibly stuff its hole to quieten it down a bit (they have shitty neighbours who complain all the time about noise).
Skids, drifting and generally acting like a tard isn't welcome.
There is a cafeteria on site if you want to buy food, drinks and coffee.
Rock up around 8-8:30am
Track walk 9am
On track 9:30am- around 4pm
If anyone needs to contact me my number is 0448468884
Come and find me when you get there so I can mark you off the list (look for me and the missus- white R33 Gtr)
See ya at the track!