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Everything posted by fatz

  1. The old o my put 5 spark plugs in and lost compression trick
  2. My bad only 5.5 monthS f**k yea time for a tune I say ps if you are paying for this service I would find somewhere else to get it done as even this is giving me the shits
  3. Only been at the tuner for 6 months got to b happy with that
  4. Over the period of 10 years I have got about 20 slabs and had my trailer rebuilt 3 times by people borrowing it dont lend trailers
  5. Tilt trailer
  6. More flashy 4 weeks to beer and chicken fest
  7. Trackday... powerboom motor then start 3.2 with v cam motor build
  8. Running yet? Book into a track day and yell at old mate to have it finished before October 2018
  9. We have been training to get the glory
  10. 4 porl
  11. Sau 24 hour lemons road trip So us fat bloke have entered the 24 hour race in queensland 23 September I think this is a proper 24 hour day night event if anyone knows someone from a fuel company hook us up the beast Rb25na power the drivers brian team leader The fatz The Mexican (halaltech hater) piss bin (possibly the only f**ker who can drive) and rhys Anyway come along for the ride through this thread
  12. Lol if your in vic go for a drive in Andrews car next day you will rip out haltech and put a power fc in and have a retune with the bloke who sorts his car 100% garentee that
  13. I also run halaltech might have to get a power fc to make the world a better place
  14. Bang on and attent "role racing events"
  15. Life begins when you have 12 boxes on the passenger floor flatcap is so 2013 tge dream now is lv man pouch, auto gearboxes and talk about drag times
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