yea no complaints about the beast… it’s a massive hit with the soccer mums
Patrols are better towers, but the prado is nicer to drive
i would have got a 4.2 TD patrol but they are worth more jebus!
+ im getting used to the Prado's lifeless steering
only other down side is all the electronics… in the patrol you would get bogged and get out of it by the age old Simpson’s technique of old fashioned flooring (shit loads of fun)… in the Prado the computers get to work so the car gets itself bogged, then the computers have a think, then some how it gets itself un-bogged (very weird feeling), the down hill decent control is shithouse. I even put it on wet grass and tried to turn the traction control off and do some wet grass circle work (well it is Bathurst weekend!) but no the computers said they didn’t like that and shut me down!
Having done 300km total in it now I consider myself an expert!!!! Best part is in the patrol I would have had to fill it up already (stupid gas)
Ive named it roger!, cause it’s a bit camp!