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Everything posted by fatz

  1. i am located at valley hieghts (blue mountains sydney) car is at my mechanics at newcastle all parts still available pete 0448468884
  2. the gayness caused by not going to this track day has taken a toll on me i will try and drink the pain away at the beer festival in the rocks this weekend your all fags!
  3. got a model number for ya KBNR32RXFS7 sorces tell me that it has to have a 17 at the end to be a v-spec
  4. anyone one had a mate find out it was a 11th month 1994 still no word on vspec
  5. can someone please fast me BNR32314356 seller says its a v spec all help appreciated cheers pete
  6. for a r31, you use a r33 radiator as for exact dimensions and stuff all i know is they are 50mm thick and twin core, i will measure one i have tonight so i can get my facts straight lol i dont make any money out of these... anyway they are a good thing if you want one come and get them pete
  7. n1 gtr should have his now so hopefully he can give comments afert he installes it on the wekeend
  8. the first guy who got one... and possibly have a radiator fetish that i just found out about wrote this about them "Yep, and all going well it will have it's first track test this weekend. The car was running mid/high 90 degree temps on the track previously. I am hoping to see low 90's, hot enough to keep the oil clean and cool enough to keep me happy. Some specs on the core. They are twin core not triple, but the cores are about 10mm wider each so the same effect as three rows (maybe better, less space is wasted between rows) The fin pitch is about the same as the stock core but the tube pitch is finer. There are ten extra tubes per row. So the tubes are about 50% bigger between the two rows as the stock core and there are 25% more tubes. They should be a significant boost in cooling."
  9. it has mounting holes for the shroud untill i trial fit one i cant confirm 100% but the supplier says it does mine have all been custom fit
  10. couple of answers delivery is a few days if your in sydney maybe a week anywhere else these are in australia s13 i ran thermo fans on (it was a rb30 in the s13) the cores are duel core (the cores themselves are twice the length of the stock cores.. so the cores are twice the standard nissan size) supplier is a mate of mine taking the fan off is the same as a stock core (flexible hands help)
  11. if ya want to go drag racing buy a built solid rear end v8 i say gtr's are not drag cars besided that get a big pro logic woofer yea baby
  12. parts still for sale
  13. yea they have one for a gtr
  14. my first one on my silvia was a just jap one and they worked really well these are just as good and or very similar
  15. factory piping! manufacturer (china) anything else not that i know off but the r33 one needs an extra washer to space out the temp sensor (purchased at bunnings for 5 cents)
  16. oh and they have mspec writen on the top ful sick!
  17. after buying 2 radiators to sort some overheating issues i was having 1st was a china job ebay (s13, leaking from the top neck, 20 bux to fix), worked well looked shocking (welds ect) 2nd was china ( r33 worked well but was a prick to fit) my last car i finally found a china radiator that works a treat and the quality is top noch anyway they are 50mm welding is tops no bs good radiator and they fit! anyway 250 will grab ya one he does them for s13/r32/r33 has them in stock and ready to roll anyway generally its 30 bux for delivery anyway i think they are a good thing and they are cheap if anyone wants on flick us a pm with you man and address and details drop us the cash and radiator is yours money details account mane: peter carruthers BSB: 112879 account number: 428965807 note i dont make any money out of this i jus though it was a good price
  18. 0448468884 call me!
  19. i can work something out for the manifolds and dump if need be i will be upgrading however that isnt decided just yet give us a bell pete ps rhys anytime sexy!
  20. righto (just having a clean out of the shed kids!) extra parts that i have found lying around Wiring loom (complete) from a r32 gtr $350 gtr computer stock $200 GTR injectors(on rucnning car $250 r33 gtr turbos(on running car..perfect condition! $550 75-120 ho NOS brand wet kit $700 more to come call me to discuss inspection/ and or have a chat! pete 0448468884
  21. engine is a rb30dett (around teh 3.1 litre mark) what is the garrett equivalent (bolt on twins) to the hks gtrs?? cheers pete
  22. nasty you dont want to piss of a rta person
  23. looks like the fatz is out as well stupid tax man!
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