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Everything posted by fatz

  1. get to the track people if you want to driv fast!
  2. hey if your getting fingerprinted after you exam you know its been a winner not that i ever was
  3. mmmm love the end of exams i still cant remember them
  4. yea uni is almost over so cans time i say
  5. taylors happy hours succks 3 bux a beer the strwaberry is 2.50 a hit rsl whch is a 5 minute walk is 3.10 a pint forestors is 3 bux happy hour man that sucks working those time ouch!!!!
  6. i work in big pink building number there mark and i normally hook up for some cans onthrusday at the rsl cause its cheap
  7. thank god im south west otherwise everyone might think im gay! you tools
  8. lol i work central station on elzabeth street nice i say wee all hook up fro some cans thursday arvo!!!
  9. r31 is the king of the skylines and they just happen to be cheap as piss
  10. the cameras on the m4 arnt in operation i can tell you that 40000000000% however they are under test however you dont have to take my word for it pete
  11. noice!!!! ful sik! very nice indeed shame its not a r31 then you would have respect as well as a fast time .......
  12. who would have thought a hyundi can go that fast
  13. first up get a second blow off valve
  14. gen i have half a husky at that pic... hot!
  15. ful sik
  16. friday again cheese and beer what more can a man want oh yea some prawns on the bbq!!! yea baby what a night and some boobs.... i mean the company of a young lady!!!!
  17. your going to love it going from a mr2... their shit! just ask tosh
  18. thats like tosh and dunkan trying to pick up a beer one beer and they fall over
  19. if you supply the beer....... THEY WILL COME!!!!
  20. nasty me thinks gettig t fixed quickly wouldbe a good idea
  21. get a 31 sprinter suck!
  22. no you will hall have to come to my day on jan 15 for your fix people
  23. mmm gp i still cant remeber the last one!!!! yea baby smuggle in the goon it is your friend!
  24. yea all welcome
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