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Everything posted by fatz

  1. get the tissues this car just got put on the boat for australia http://www.r31house.co.jp/ love those rims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. lol donut
  3. you two could have a great time punching donuts at home by the sound of it you should be drunk so you cant drive at this time... if not shame on you donut punchers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. mmm cameras are good
  5. stop sniffing it!
  6. just remove the doors
  7. put the plug back in!
  8. one with wheels would be tops! if it doesnt blow the dipstick out it inst run in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. start the petition some one cares!
  10. seriously ill give you 20 bux to shove those plates clean up yor arse 50 if i get a pick to frame for the pool room!
  11. yup the world is a **** enjoy it as much as you can
  12. dopey your 18 you still have 3 years to do the above and you will then you can say your a good drive and have all the benefits 18 and a rx7 if i had the same when i was 18 i wouldnt be here
  13. nice work merli my bad to many thumbs
  14. well ive just ripped mine appart and everything is getting sent off should cost a couple of bux though... ouch!
  15. i must say my mum brakes later than those guys going into that corner pussies!
  16. i recon anyone under 21 when they have more than one mate in the car drives like a tool i know i did..... the amount of close calls was huge im lucky to be alive and it wasnt just me when i was in my mates car there were a million close calls as well so only having one of your mates in the car at night is a great idea
  17. dildo!
  18. arron magill has hit the nail on the head here i agree 10000000000% and yea it would suck to not have beer before turning 21 just because you have to drive at night from arrons news letter Thank you to everyone who has had an opinion re the "P" plate issue. My comment for what it is worth, and read this when you have the time. Driver education IS NOT the magic pill that many of us believe it is re our young driver road toll! A bold statement. In 10 years of doing driver education on racetracks and skid pans, I am yet to be convinced that the old style of driver education, I.e. hit the brakes, throw the car sideways and a quick chat on road law has any effect on the young in age or in brain! I cannot count the courses when we have seen young drivers and those that should know better doing a Phase 1 course, displaying interest in everything but safety, I.e. spinning wheels, using handbrakes and asking the eternal question....when can we get on the track mate, this craps so boring! I believe that some young drivers suffer from; Total arrogance to the law. Total disregard for the safety of the wider community. Extreme lack of vehicle control in most conditions other than straight and slow. Inflated opinion of their ability...(some never grow out of this) A never ending rev limit in the chase for "the next thrill". I believe these are some of the above issues result from; Peer Pressure Over exposure to motor sport via television...We make it look easy. (I know can you believe it!) Unrealistic views of driving created by Playstation etc. Dad does it! Poor training in early stages of driver development. It is very easy for us to "blanket" young drivers with the risky label. All young drivers do this or that, and every P plate driver speeds! Is it true? I suggest not. We must remember that young men like to play football, they seek danger as part of their development to manhood. The military understand this, hence when you see an F18 pilot he is probably only 21yo. Yet the military can HARNESS the impetuousness of youth via discipline and education, and they only choose the bright ones. Which brings us to the point, should every person have the right to drive? Do we need to IQ test drivers just as some companies where I work in crash avoidance test prospective employees PRIOR to going on the road in a company car? Needless to say the employees are above average in intelligence. Do they still crash... you better believe it. However, in my experience to date, intelligence combined with correct education dramatically reduces the crash rate per kilometre driven and the severity of the incident. So my summary to reduce youth crash rates involving death and major trauma; Introduction of night curfew...It's good enough for the aircraft industry re new pilots! Vehicle power to weight ratio limitations....My son drives a 76 model original XC Falcon 4.9 litre V8. Put it alongside a standard 85 model Nissan skyline and see which is fastest! All V8's are not fast. Limitations on passengers regarding numbers and ages. (see peer pressure) A further "P" plate assessment prior to issue of"green" P plate. A quality delivered risk management driver education course in basic car control and consequences. Enforcing the above will always be the issue. Our school struggles to get young drivers on P's to do a Phase 1 course... they just want to know how to have fun by throwing the around so they can arrive at the pole faster once they've run out of talent and luck. Cheers Aaron Auto-Motion Australia Ph/Fax: 02 48 722-622 Mob: 0410 317 013 www.auto-motion.com.au www.aaronmcgillmotorsport.com Driving Excellence
  19. go more for mine first 3 bores have makers on them so that will explain the blow by detonation evident on all cylinder and number on piston has a chip in it head seems fine im thinking my dodgy no 1 injector was causeing a seriouse lean out on cylynder one get your injector cleaned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and theturbo just died in sympathy will check the bearing tonight in the bottom end
  20. funny vids talent link doesnt work and chris i think you need a break
  21. lol fd suck
  22. do it for the women! lol
  23. yea all class m8
  24. suck to be under 21 and like cars
  25. you throw the same suspension at a gtr and a supra and the gtr will lap fast you throw the same power level at both cars and the gtr will lap faster again and generally when your talking about a power up the gtr(street) will run a better quater mile ive driven both many times were talking road cars hear not the JGTC i find supra owners are very touchy about there cars and always talk up the rwkw were as the gtr owners go to the track and talk up the lap times. mind you i wouldnt mind a supra for a fun track car ... great for burnouts!!!
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