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About RTA 13B

  • Birthday 31/12/1982

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    Can't help myself but cars.

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    Mazda RX7
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  1. What no help yet? Jeez I feel retarded.
  2. Sold as in car is now no longer in your drive ay or sold as in pending payment?
  3. I hope some one can help me out soon.
  4. Fingers X X I should have my R32 by then, and my boss will have his back together. Bring on this cruise. We missed out last year. So I am hoping we will both make it this year.
  5. Okay this is embarressing. I need the torque specs for RB25 DET head bolts. eg: tension torque sequences 1st tension 2nd tension 3rd tension. We've had to pull the head off again. And r33GTS-t-200kw link isn't showing anymore. yeah much appreciated, thanks.
  6. Geordie, don't really want to post as it will bump your add up. But is your car still for sale. I am making progress with my insurance claim. Fingers crossed. I wouldn't mind a trip down to Queanbeyan, yeah might even snow with this current weather.
  7. For those who have recieved the pics via email, could one of them put them up please? Looks like a pretty good buy. Good luck with the sale.
  8. Damned missed this. Any pics? Where did the cops turn up at?
  9. Nice rude dude. Good luck with sale!
  10. Thanks Mik. We had thought about this, however rather than just going ahead blindly thought it better we ask around. So just get each piston at the top change their valve stem seals? Cool. Will be done this weekend. Thanks for your help.
  11. Yeah maps would have helped us, we ended up getting on the pacific highway as we couldn't find our way back to the F3. Bloody trip took us nearly 2 hours. And if we go to Newcastle again, then no time wasting we go to that big parking lot again above Bar Beach. Very good, 500+ cars can fit.
  12. So I would like to know a couple of things in regards to removing the valve stem seals on a RB25DET engine. 1) Do I have to remove the head off the block? 2) Do I have to remove the valves out of the head? if no to both of these then... How do you remove the valve stem seals? I have used search and had a look at other Skyline websites. So I am hoping someone on here might have done this already. Can anyone help?
  13. Nice car mate, painting is no problems, worth the $6800 your asking for it. Just tell my insurance to hurry the hell up ay? Some nice cheap cars coming up for sale right now. Damn.
  14. Engine is fine, just been rebuilt. However the head service place hasn't done too good a job. Bloody valve stem seals are leaking oil into combustion chamber. Car still goes fine. will be fixed shortly. So what did the highway cops want?
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