I have been giving the current fuel situation some thought and i have decided that it is not a refinery problem as we have been told. I now believe this to be a conspiracy to remove imports from the streets! So far they have tried everything, whopping insurance prices, "random" defect stations that only seem to pull up imports and the new hoon laws so they can actually take our cars, but it has not been enough. They are not happy with removing imports one at a time, or banning us from the road for a week or so at a time. Some bright spark has realised that imports run on 98 octane fuel, and most of the public doesnt, so it is my theory that they have removed 98 octane in an attempt to stop all imports. The really sad thing is although a few bootleg supplies are available scattered througout Sydney the supply shortage is infact working and a significant decline in import use is occuring.
Ok, im gunna put my tinfoil hat back on because the aliens are at my front door with a video of who really shot JFK