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Everything posted by _turtle_

  1. i reckon go the s15, get a 2nd hand one for around mid 30's. get the gt ver, i think thats got leather interior? go 3rd party. don't stack
  2. hey dude, is it the rev1.0 or rev1.1? where abouts are you located?
  3. haha ok i must be a dumbass then. i'm still coming down to springy and letting you do it. will buzz ya next week or something. cya
  4. lol, mooks man, did u look at the pics i took? is urs the same? i reckon i'm coming down to springy and you do it for me!!! these lil parker lights are bastards.
  5. ok, now its working here are the pics
  6. Hey greg, maybe coz the oil grade is 75-90? its slightly thicker than the old stuff u had in there? I wouldn't put any of that engine oil flush into ur gearbox, dunno if it does any damage or not but i don't think any ones tried it before. not too sure what kinda crap is in that flush fluid. are you changing the fluid urself? or taking it to mechanic? lol, coz i need to change mine. I think that you should drive the car for a few more k's, and then after that change the oil again with that synthetic stuff.
  7. ok guys, i've taken another look, i still can not even get close to fitting a hand there. also we're talking about the "PARKER" light, as in the little one. not the headlight, the headlight is simple. i've uploaded some pics, unless my car is different i don't see how u can fit ur hand there. cheers ** damn, can't upload pics again. **
  8. yer maybe if someone wants to by my muffler then i'll go get a cheap ass one, just trouble some to sell it and then get the new one fitted etc. i might go check those cheapy autotechnica ones at autobarn.
  9. lol chop, if its almost identical then theres no point in swapping em! i cbf selling mine, too much of a hassle, plus its in very good condition so i'll just keep it unless someone swaps.
  10. hehe good idea mooks, i'll get the missus to do it. thanks for info guys. the passenger side is easy, theres plenty of room where the pod is. but the drivers side is very tight, got the coolant and all the other crap there. will try use tweezers or something. cheers
  11. i think i might buy my filters from nissan now. thanks for the info. for 25bux mite even try out the nissan oil lol.
  12. my drivers side parker light has blown. doesnt look like theres much room there, is the only way to change it to remove the washer fluid bottle etc?
  13. me too denny_temp@yahoo.com.au thanks
  14. what size is ur muffler chop? here is a "not so close view", just thought a close view will give u a better idea of the condition its in.
  15. is this the one designed for N/A cars? seeing as its 2.5" and not 3"? pics to shao_monk@hotmail.com
  16. did u get ur oil filter from nissan too? if so how much is it there?
  17. hey mook mate, sorry to hear the news. will catch up with you soon.
  18. ahh i can upload pics now, here are some pics :Bang:
  19. haha i dunno about the high boost, but i popped the bonnet and disconnected the hose going to the head from underneath, poked a pin in there and its much better now. so it was blocked at the bottom and not on top at the nozzle. thanks guys
  20. blade, i gotta agree with you about the kakimote. i absolutely love it! now, the only problem is i know i'm losing power off it coz my baby is n/a! it looks soo beautiful on the car thats why i'm not selling it, but if someone had a 2.5" or something like that on then i would consider a swap but if no one does then i'll just keep it. i've mucked around so much with different exhausts, i just cbf selling and getting another one and wasting more money. damn, still can't upload pics, nothing happens wen i try "manage attachents".
  21. yep, tried the pin trick already. mite give it another shot actually and see how it goes. thanks
  22. Hey guys, my leftside windscreen washer jet is not working which is annoying me as my windscreen got shat on by a bird the other day and of course it just smudged it all over. any tips? just sprays a pityful little trickle out of the left side, rite side is still fine and yes there is water there
  23. ok, coz i have a 3" kakimoto which i would swap for a 2.5" if someone had one on lol. for some reason i can't upload pics? if someone wants a pic email me at shao_monk@hotmail.com
  24. yer was wondering if anyone actually put a 2.5" exhaust onto their turbo car and why they would do that.
  25. Just wondering if any of u turbo guys out there use a smaller than 3" exhaust and why? I'm not talking about people who still have stock exhaust. (I have a 3" which i'd be willing to trade)
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