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Everything posted by Chainfire

  1. If your immobiliser is engaging whilst your car is running it might be the ignition sense wire.. I would suggest going to a car audio place and getting an installer to look at it. Has it just recently been installed or..?
  2. Nah they arn't bald yet, haha. My turbo broked last week so i can hardly get the wheels to spin anyway not that i try to or anything.. Still need to get my car rego'd for WA havn't had time yet. hoping to have it done by the end of the week, and then you can have your rims and my car back. By the way i can't get that cracked rim fixed, it's well buggered. Would you still be interested in buying the other undamaged rims off me? i'll need a whole new set, unless i can source one of those rims from somewhere.
  3. Myself and my girlfriend are still coming, might need to transfer the money to your bank account brad since i probably won't have time to come around and see you this week.
  4. I'm still up for this... Brad i'll come hand you the money personally some time this week if that's cool.. Btw, would it be ok for me to bring 1 friend along? (a non member)
  5. Heh, i'd be up for that.. Just hope i don't embaress myself too badly.. (never played a game of golf in my life)
  6. hmm What's an Ass Tray?
  7. Someone should go park their car in a bad area, and hide around a corner with a baseball bat and some buddies.. i know it's asking for trouble, but damn would it feel good to get back at the low lifes that do these sorts of things =P and it would defintitely make them think twice about doing it again in the future. It's a shame you didn't get the whole plate number though
  8. lol.. anybody? Ahwell.. i might just take it to ultra tune or something and get it fixed. Just took the front wheel off that had the puncture, turns out the rim is absolutely effed.. has a huge crack through it anyone know where i can find a circlar GTA rim, same colour as the ones in my banner..
  9. Well i've had my skyline all of 1 week now.. and i've already damaged it, and it's not yet insured The only damage seems to be to the wheels, (i gunned it at a round about and forgot i had my boost control set to high) yeah, i know.. what an idiot Anyway, i ended up going over a curb at about 60kmph. So ended up limping home at 10kmph with a flat front tyre. The back wheel has been pushed out a bit, it's coming out at an angle now, all the other wheels seem ok but i'll need to get them checked out anyway, and have my front tyre replaced. I've looked inside the engine bay, and had a look under the car.. everything seems fine except for the wheel problem. So i'm just wondering if anyone could tell me where is a good place to go to get this checked out and fixed? and approximatly how much it's going to cost. I live north of the river.. any advice at all would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
  10. Here's mine.. it arrived from Sydney last week with only 38,000km's on the clock, and a week later it already has 39k Here's a pic i took while i had it in Sydney Gonna get some neons for under the dash, and some new pedals.. and maybe spray some of the dash. Pic taken today, after a wash & wax Aaaand, finally a pic of the engine, err... she needs some work i think So much potential.. what a shame i have no $$ left to spend on it
  11. lol, me and my work mates play pranks on each other all the time.. The other day we cable tied our friend to a chair and just left him there, he ended up making himself fall over with the chair when he tried to get out of it, which could have been quite painfull if he hadn't fallen on to a pile of boxes We've also done stuff like hiding each others stuff at the end of the day, like keys or wallets.. so that person can't leave til they find whatever we hid (can be quite annoying) and we'd leave clues around as to the where abouts of their hidden items Have also done stuff like putting white hand cream/soap on their back (which looks very suss) and uh.. peices of paper with "i love the penis" written on. One classic prank we pulled, was when we tied a whole bunch of plastic bags to our work mates car with string, and hid them under his car.. so when he took off he had all these plastic bags flying out behind him. Worked out well, and he didn't even realise they were there til he got home that day You could steal the guys keys, make up a for sale sign (with a very low price) and drive his car to a busy street corner, then watch his reaction when he starts getting calls bout his car And i wreckon Dan's idea is the best so far
  12. Is it possible to buy chrome spray? i know that to chrome metal objects, they have to be dipped.. but is it possible to get a spray on chrome that will work on plastic? What would look really nice, is chrome letters, and the background whatever the colour of the car is.
  13. lol, sounds like a very eventfull night, lucky you had your mobile phone on you!! otherwise you really would be shitting yourself What would u do, if you were stuck out in the middle of nowhere, pitch black, nobody knew where you were, and you had no way of contacting anybody :S
  14. Don't ask bizzare questions, and you won't get given crap for it... Do you even care how the car drives? or do u just want to be seen driving around in your brand new 34 GTR.. Rather than spending all that money on ruining a perfectly good GTR, why dont u just buy a bomb while ur on your P's save up ur cash for when u get off them, then... when u get the car, u can spend that cash on upgrading the car.. rather than downsizing the engine. Trust me, your friends will think ur retarded if u buy a GTR and stick a crappy old, non turbo engine in it. Just have a little patience, we all want R34 GTR's by yesterday.. If you still want one now, first buy the car.. then ask the questions.. maybe then ppl here will be willing to help u.
  15. Hey guys, i am buying a Ferrari Enzo.. but see, i am still on my P's So could anyone here help me with info on how to destroy my million dollar car, which my parents are buying for me(thanks mummy & daddy!!) so i can rip the heart and soul out of it, and drop a beefy little scooter engine in it, YAY!! i'm so smart! Thx! and all you sXc's r invited 2 my BBQ lollol!!.... OMG WTF mum! i told u not to disturb me while i'm cleaning my room! *Hides pics of R34* *Pulls pants up*
  16. That would be damn stupid.... why dont u just have some patience, and wait untill you are off your P's In the mean time, get your parents to spend their $$$ on something more worthwile. Best advice i can give u
  17. Cover up your bonnet with a tarp whenever u park it at home?
  18. i have got a milo tin full of coins... i will put that into it... that should get me about 2 seconds with the car every sunday for 1 week
  19. People who forget they even have indacators. People who don't wave or say thanks when u let them in or through a line of traffic, ungreatfull!! (or people who dont let u in, usually old snobby looking woman in their festivas) When it is peak hour traffic and there are two sets of lights in close range of each other... and the traffic builds up from the 2nd set of lights all the way back to the 1st set. Instead of waiting for the traffic to move up, people proceed to go through the 2nd set of lights, and find they are stuck in the middle of the intersection, even more annoying when they are still there and the lights change. One guy did this, got stuck in the intersection, panicked, put in reverse and backed straight into the front of my mates car. (Atleast his car was a Holden ) People who tailgate u 2mins before they decide to overtake (either get off my arse, or go past me!) if anyone tailgates me, i usually slow down untill they change lanes to overtake, then i speed up so they can't
  20. do u need a FMIC for the stock turbo?
  21. skylines are ugly??!! how could you say that!?.........Appologise immediatly!
  22. this thread should be called. "How to F*ck up a nice car"
  23. good one
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