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Everything posted by Kozeyekan

  1. ..... Is it just me, or am I not the only one thinking that Hamilton has no right to tell Webber to back off? If he was too close, he would have hit Hamilton. He was well within his rights to get as close as he did. Problem is that Vettel wasn't paying attention, and he even admits that he looked forward, looked away for a bit, then looked forward again when the collision happened. Seriously, F1 is a sport decided by nanoseconds. What idiot decides to look in any direction but forward. Where the hell was he looking? At some chick in a raincoat?
  2. Yes, the last lap scraps were pretty good, fought all the way to the wire. Kimi did well to finish where he did. Still, when I saw the Red Bull car on the wall, I thought it was Coulthard, then the announcers say that Webber is off, due to Vettel's idiocy, I lost control and yelled "F@#K!" at the top of my lungs. The girlfriend comes running in asking what's wrong and looks at me funny when I say Webber is out. She actually said "Doesn't he usually crash in a race?" I warned her that further outbursts like that will result in her removal from the low paying, but high benifits position of being my girlfriend.
  3. F@#KING VETTEL! Seriously, Mark was set up for his maiden win, or at worst, a career best 2nd place. I'd imagine that Hamilton wouldn't have defended too hard though, he'd rather have finished 2nd then DNFed, so Mark was in with a better than even shot at the trophy. Poor bastard. Everyone pool together, wish really hard and hope thaan Ron Dennis drops Alonso and puts Webber in the other McLaren. Then we'd see some Aussie racing. It was a great race from Webber though, and up until the last safety car, I'd have said the same of Vettel too. Now, well, he'll be lucky to get the next race, after DNFing two of his bosses cars. That boy will be reamed a new arsehole.
  4. man, that site makes me wanna cry.... especially the Cayman trashed by a pissed 18 y.o. croatian. Of course, I blame the parents, especially mine, for not being filthy rich, and buying me one.
  5. Vote 1 Webber for McLaren. He'll beat Lewis. How do I know? Simple: 1) Hamilton is English. 2) Webber is Australian. 3) Formula 1 racing is a sport. 4) Australia whoops England at every sport they play. Therefore, if Lewis is leading this season, he is the best driver. If Webber is Australian, therefore better than Hamilton, then he will become the best driver. Logical, right? ....anyone have Ron's email? Oh, but if he does go to McLaren, then, being Australian, we have to claim the whole team as ours. Kind of like Phar Lap and Russel Crowe. Ron Dennis becomes "Denno" Lewis Hamilton becomes "Hammo" and De La Rossa becomes "Bullet head". Just because. The new car also gets a makeover, with the new McLaren sporting a decal of "Fuzzy dice" near the rear view mirrors, and also "SANDMAN" on the rear wing. Yes, I'm that bored.
  6. I'm agreeing with all the Ferrari bashers. One of THEIR EMPLOYEES started all this. From what I can gather, Coglin and Stepney were trying to use the info to get both of them into another team (Rumour has it that it was a Honda team, but I can't recall the details), and we have no real evidence of any of the Ferrari design in the McLarens. A $100m fine is too much for what is commonplace in F1, let alone being stripped of all points. Waaaaaay too much politics going on there. Alonso will tear Ferrari apart if he goes there. Kimi will probably belt him. But in the end, I can't see how Ferrari have cause for complaint when the whole fiasco originated form someone in their employ. All it's really done is ruin the season. The punishment did not fit the crime. Dock them a few points, fine them, but to have them zeroed, with no chance to add points until next season just makes the sport worse off. Kind of like the time they had 8 cars in the US GP. Good for FIA ego trips, bad for F1.
  7. In regards to the whole McLaren cheating thingy, does anyone here really beleive that if a McLaren Engineer offered tech manuals to Ferrari, that they would not take them?
  8. Yes, then they can have Ignition: Gaol cell edition. Seriously, how about starting out in a nice outer suburb that isn't assosciated with hooning, but not so uptight that the locals will call the police if a loud exhaust is heard. Consider Templestow, Doncaster, those sort of places. Definately not Chadstone, after last time. get onto the Eastern Freeway, a couple dozen skylines on that, 4 lanes wide should make for a good shot. If it's going to mention Skylines Australia AT ALL I'd clear it with the comittee first. Could be good PR. Maybe even get them to come along to a track day or something. I think that'd be more impressive than a bunch of dicks dragging on the street. It'd be a great chance to show people that SAU is NOT about hooning and stuff like that, but if anyone screws around, we can expect every skyline in town to be pulled over the day after the DVD comes out. Yes, they check that stuff.
  9. M3gtr, you may have raised some valid points..... But I was hypnotised by your sig and didn't read any of it. Sorry. I actually want Fernando to overtake Hamilton in the points. It'll either make or break Lewis. If he's as good as the British press say he is, then it'll be worth seeing, if not, well, then it's always fun to make fun of the poms when they get so close.... yet so far in any sporting event.
  10. Well, as a current owner of one, I thought I'd comment: The R32 GTS-4 is a great machine, but it's a compromise. It has the GTR suspension, AWD, and can be modded to use the same calipers (from what I understand anyway) apart from that it's really a GTS-T. I chose a GTS-4 due to the fact that I love AWD, but didn't want the upkeep of a GTR. You can easily install a 2WD switch, but the added weight of the AWD system mean it will not be as fast on the quarter mile as a GTS-T, but it'll kill it in the twisties. The GTR will naturally own the gts-4, but then again, it's double the price.
  11. Just a quick query, I have never installed lines before, is it something someone of modest mechanical ability can do? I've bled brakes and done some minor mods to my car, but stuffing up the brakes is not something I want to do. I imagine it'd just a case of bleeding the brakes, undoing some nuts, spilling brake fluid everywhere, putting on new hoses, filling up fluid, bleeding brakes, and off I go, is this right?
  12. Haha, love it. "Cuppateaforthabigfella?"
  13. Not so long ago, I would have agreed that Webber was not up to par, but he's done some great qualifiers, and some podiums with cars that are not competitive. Seeing him in a McLaren would be awesome. He works his arse off, and more often than not, the car lets him down, the last few races, the car has held together and he's had some luck (well, except hungary) I think he has the ability to get many more podiums, provided the car is good enough to compete.
  14. I hate to say this..... but I'm actually enjoying watching F1 more now. When teams are in accord, like McLaren were earlier, they tend to back off once the rest of the field is left behind. I for one want to see Hamilton and Alonso in a no-holds-barred race to the finish, each fighting for points, and trying to hold off a ferrari or BMW challenge. I hate it when a driver backs off due to "Team rules". Yes, going hard may mean that one or both cars get a DNF, but racing is racing, and with the championship on the line, each driver should be allowed to go as hard as they like in the pursuit of the big trophy. I never really liked Alonso, I think he's a bit of a prick, but in all honesty, the guy can drive. He's been there and done that. I think he intentionally stalled Hamilton in the qualifying at hungary, as payback, but Alonso has been there and done that. He's been world champ. Hamilton has talent, no doubt at all, but he hasn't really been tested in a way that would show HOW talented he is. A come from behind win (with track passing, not leapfrogging) , a wet weather win, a down and dirty duel with a pair of Ferrari's.... these things would show what Hamilton has. At the moment, I'd say he's still not quite as good a driver as Alonso, but he definitley has the potential.
  15. A quick read of the replies makes me never want to watch NASCAR again. Seriously, how the hell can you justify a take-out manouver that is blatantly dangerous and possibly lethal? At least Ambrose showed a bit of class in the after action.
  16. Magic 8 ball says: Next year: Webber to be McLarens #1 driver on their new second string team. Hamilton to mouth off to Ron Denis and Webber. Hamilton on the sidelines for a few weeks with broken jaw, which happened in "Testing incident" Alonso to suddenly become less lippy. Webber promoted to 1st string team. many poles and trophys for Marc.
  17. They'll be at each others throats soon. It'll be a bit like when Senna and Prost were racing for McLaren, but without the level of Talent that those two had. Still, a bit of biffo never hurt the ratings. Who do you back though? Hamilton seems a bit too "private boys school" but Alonso seems aggressive to the point of Lunacy. Still, it's usually the quiet ones who go absolutely beserk when their tempers blow, so maybe Hamilton will pick up the nearest fire extinguisher and tonk him on the skull, either that or he goes all WWE on Alonso and gets Massa to distract him while he clocks him with a steel chair. Fingers crossed.
  18. I didn't mind carbon. The drift battles were fun. The set up was a little weird, and for the most part I preferred NFS UG2, but hey, at least they're bringing something new to the table.
  19. Well, in all likleyhood, I'll probably not get the chance to test drive the car myself in the near future, but if it's their flagship car, I'd expect them to make it pretty fast. Of the list, it really only needs to worry about the M3 and the Evo. The rest shouldn't be able to touch it.
  20. OK, it's official. The Nissan GT-R proto will be in the Need for Speed: Pro street game. Here's the buzz: Need for Speed ProStreet boasts an impressive and unique car list that spans over 40 years of the automotive spectrum. Today, EA unveils the first set of vehicles to be featured in the game with the Nissan GT-R PROTO leading the pack. This will mark the first time that the Nissan GT-R PROTO, which was unveiled at the 2005 Tokyo Motor Show, is available in a full packaged video game. Every car in Need for Speed ProStreet is selected for a reason – it is either unique, aspirational, memorable or highly desirable. The first list of cars to be revealed in Need for Speed ProStreet is: * Nissan GT-R PROTO (niiiiice) * 1970 Plymouth® Hemi® Cuda (Very nice) * 1995 Mazda RX-7 (delicious) * 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse (OK) * 2006 Audi S4 (Very... German) * 1986 Toyota Corolla GTS AE86 (Go TAKUMI!) * 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer EVOLUTION IX MR-edition (For all the Evo lovers here) * 2006 Volkswagen Golf GTI (Why they named this awesome little car a "golf" is beyond me) * 2008 BMW M3 (Might be a product placement or something) Should be great, spring 2007!
  21. Turbo-back is the only way to go. Putting on a cat back alone is a waste of time. If you leave the standard front/dump on, the gas comes out of the turbo into a 2 inch tube, then on to a 3 inch tube. The bas is still restricted, so you'll notice little, if any power increase. Ditto if you add just the front pipe and have a standard 2 inch catback. I went for a Batmbl split front/dump and an HKS hipower silent exhaust. Very quiet, not too large, sounds good on an R32. At the end of the day though, it's just a pipe. As long as the steel is good quality, and the bends are mandrel bent, any exhaust workshop can make one up for you. I was a bit of a brand whore when I bought that zorst, though I don't regret it. You can get them through Nengun, though you have to wait a while.
  22. the flickering of lights to go through a red late at night is common. Ambo's do it too, so as not to wake up everyone. I'm actually thankful for that. Let's me get some shut-eye. My experiences with TMU has been largely unfavourable, but I realise that they're people doing a tough job. My main gripe is the people who set policy. The government wants to be seen to be doing something about the road toll, so they do something visual like the hoon laws, in a demographic that is not likely to mount serious political opposition (i.e young males in import cars). The only thing the government is doing is making a highly visible but misguided effort. It's all about appearances. To lower the road toll, all they need to do is increase driver training. Bring it into schools, include emergency manouvers. If a cop is hooning, I'd report it to the hotline. If he had a reason (i.e. chasing a suspect, keeping lights off to avoid detection as much as possible) internal procedures would find it. The problem is that our demographic is largely silent. We take the crap heaped on us, and bitch to each other, but little else. If someone brings up the idea of campaigning the government, or having a letter campaign into the newspapers, most people simply can't be arsed. I do think it'd be better for everyone if more cops joined in on motorsport track days, rather than camping outside them waiting to defect people, but again, that's not the patrolman's decision, and is largely motivated by the sergeant/ unit commander who wants to get the figures lined up so he can be promoted.
  23. It'd be like throwing a sausage down a hallway. Seriously, Her nether regions would have an echo, or possibly teeth. She's been banged more than a garden gate She had more cocks in her than a steggles poultry farm What would worry me is that the morning after having sex with her, you'd have some super disease, lke fire shooting out of your dick. She's tanned, slim, tall and blonde, so she isn't a bad looker, but then again, anyone who is tanned, slim, tall and blonde isn't too hard on the eyes. For my money, there are far more attractive women who I can never sleep with.
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