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Everything posted by LTHLRB

  1. bump $5,750 ?
  2. also forgot to add. located in victoria
  3. nah sorry, need this sold so i can finish my 33 off.
  4. bump.. needs to be sold soon!!
  5. Hey guys its come time to sell my Golf Mk3 everdayer. Its done me well. Iv only had it for around 10 months or so. Body is excelent for a 93 model car, had 36,XXX ks on the clock (cluster was replaced when new engine was built for the car) does great milege. 2 weeks driving (almost 500km) for 40 bucks. Never misses a beat, runs perfect, taken care of. The only owner before me was my uncle and grandfather (my uncle built the engine). Reg till Oct 11. Specs: 94 VW Golf GL (rego sticker sais 94) manual 2.0LTR SOHC injected Power everything (windows, mirrors, steering) also has ac and heater, everything works Rodney jane racing rims 15inch with perelli tyres full roadworthy condition JVC headunit, Cadence 3way 6" speakers Kenwood sub and amp. Central locking with remote keyless entry Only downside to the car is there is a chipped tooth on the reverse gear and it makes a ticking noise while reversing. Still works fine, its a common problem with these cars. Anymore questions? dont be afraid to ask. PH: 0421 986 981 - SMS and Calls welcome. $6,000 ONO. Will considder reasonable offers.
  6. legs are shithouse right now, i dont have shots of how they looked before i started legs properly.. minor difference but there is a difference. will show pics of how legs and everything else looks at the end of the year i really cant be bothered debating anything with you either. You seem to think your right... so yeah ill hand you the win on this one
  7. i dont do any of the above... and how do you think you put on size? slow the motabolism down.. how do you burn fat? speed the motabolism up. How do you think i put on my size and dropped my fat? did i say that the 65kg kid shud ONLY so leg extentions? its common sense to do leg press, squats, hack squats etc. i just didnt fill all that in. And yes i am serious about the 6 second thing.. i braught the inner quads up by doing that for a while. not doing that heavy either.
  8. Seeing as the person is still pretty light and lean, id assume they have a fast motabolism, so first we would need to slow it down and have a high carb/fat/protein diet. Starting with around 4 - 5 decent meals a day. Have all their excersizes within the 8 - 12 reps range and as heavy as possible while still keeping good form. With arms i would recommend doing heavy preacher curls but doing the 21's style OR Standing bi curls with ez bar dropsets 12/12/fail. Then seated DB curl set of 12 heavy then set of 12 light with concentration (slow movements) then move onto hammers heavy within the 10 - 12 rep range. and basically the same for everything else, full extention with good form and heavy weight will definetely bring up any lacking bodypart. I found the more reps you do with lighter weight so u feel the "burn" will burn your muslce out and will end up shrinking from overtraining it. But you cant do any of this without a good diet weather its bulking or cutting. also with the leg extentions doing the whole stack.. try doing them counting to 6 while going up, holding for 3, counting to 6 coming down. That will def punish your quads.
  9. haha.. after all that he still didnt say im wrong.. and i said he is right in his own way many times.. i love seeing these fitness geeks at gym doing 20kg deadlifts for 2hrs straight and 30 clean and jerks.. when not one muscle on their body is developed. just a quick tip.. bodybuilding is about LOOKS AND PRESENTATION.. powerlifting is about STRENGTH.. so if you can get massive doing "pussies" workouts like side raises n shit.. then thats what works for you and your doing it right
  10. well done to them if they can lift more than me... but that still doesnt change the fact that the way i train and my theory works.. thanks for your time
  11. nope i have a 44mm external gate and a high mount 3540 i dont own an ed hardy tshirt and never will id rather spend 200+ on a good weekend or a pair of air max 90s im not nicknamed "baboona" for no reason and im a light skinned wog and dont give a shit about it. no, i live in thomastown. what the hell are you trying to prove? i dont think your a powerlifter.. never said you were. your upset because i defend the way i train and i say it works. and you got sand in your vag and had a hissy fit over it.. get over it man, its the wasteland
  12. GTST: your saying train like a powerlifer... have you seen how a powerlifter looks? majority or nearly EVERYONE on this board would rather look like a bodybuilder than strongman.. and the way i train and the way i recommend to train is how a bodybuilder would train.. watch BLOOD AND GUTS by dorian yates.. tell me if you see a clean and jerk or an overhead bb press standing.. im not saying your wrong.. but to call me stupid by the way i train.. your a dead set idiot for saying that.. and i dont do 1rep max's.. and my strength has never gone backwards.. apart from hitting the recreationals on weekends at events then training the day after. also do you walk around with a barbell and a few plates to show people how good you are at overhead presses and clean and jerks? the aim is to LOOK STRONG.. because if you look like a bag of shit and can clean and jerk 10 times more than someone who looks better.. no one cares.
  13. GTST: What if some people dont care about 1 rep max's.. or dont care about having legs to match their upper body.. everyone has their own goal and their own style.. You cant say these guys are pussies because you dont do military press or deadlift or clean and jerk. I dont do any of them, and really dont have much of an interest of doing them and i rarely do military press but my shoulders have come up fine doing hammerstrength presses and db shoulder presses superset with side lateral raises.
  14. www.energizone.net they sell online..
  15. looks pretty good, tiny tiny waist he has. He must have been skinny before he hit the juice.. what weight is he at now? pretty damn good job. Side note* As of 2 days ago im now 84kg and require a belt for everything i wear.. i think a few new pairs of shorts and jeans are needed from 92ish to 84 and still going down.
  16. yeah well my routein and training method is pretty much hit ur limit in weight or go a bit more with asistance and go 12/10/8 or 12/10/10.. Heavy weights + 6 - 10 rep range = thick, dense muscle mass.. The more reps you do per set will just lead to muscles being burnt out and going backwards in growth. Shoulder pressed 50kg an arm tonight with my trainer after benching 80kg incline barbell and 250lb seated chest press.
  17. hammerstrength shoulderpress, pretty much mimics the dumbell style.. when i do military press i do infront of the neck, i dont really go hard on military press (thats how i injured my shouders a while ago) When going heavy its 12/10/8 on a good day, otherwise its 10/8/8 or 6. Varys alot. when i train lacking bodyparts i do medium weight but untill the lacking bodypart fails. like my side delts, left one was carrying alot of fat so i pretty much lost my roundness of my left shoulder, been doing 3 sets of 15 - 18 reps of 30lb side raises (thats when my left shoulder will fail, then i stop) Yeah i agree with you agen, if i was to turn out like one of those thick mass freaks i wouldnt touch it, but also depends on what you do, how you train, what you eat etc.
  18. agree with you on that one.. but you probably havnt seen a good "roid" body. majority of the guys on them are just thick blocky bulldog shaped freaks and completely out of proporting and symatry. So far i squat 200kg w/o assistance or spot on the squat machine, barbell row 80kg not including the bar, curl 55kg on the preacher, bench 100kg on dumbells and 140 on the hammerstrength bench (both incline), fly 90kg (machine), leg press 450kg, seated row 250lbs, lat pulldown 230lbs (with assistance), shoulder press 80kg straight after a chest sesh (fresh i can do around 120kg) and light-ish weight for the isolated muscles like rear delts, side delts etc. Completely natural btw.
  19. alot of people who jump on gear these days have no clue how to do right. I'll be starting my first cycle after my holidays next year, roughly september-ish. Going back with my trainer aswell so will be seeing killer gains, perfect bulking diet and training plus perfect cutting diet. Should be interesting how i turn out in dec 2010/jan 2011 next yr
  20. i can bet that your mate on gear doesnt eat the way he should be on gear, if he did eat the way he should have been and doing the gear right, he'd be untouchable by both of you guys. thats the difference between "hey im doing i cycle koz i cbf" and "im doing a cycle to get me over the line"
  21. been doing it for around 9 - 10 weeks, my body doesnt like dropping weight, initially dropped 5kg, then put on 2 more lean kg, but its hard to go by weight when your still pushing big weight, so i just go by how tight the skin gets and how i look in the mirror. depending on how fast ur motabolism is, thats how much fat/weight u'd lose.
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