nah he was in the mr. olympia.. watch his vids on youtube when he was in his prime.. 200kg behind the neck presses.. BEST bodybuilding physique in my opinion.
im around 5'8" or 5'9" and weighing 90.5kg
just weighed myself on monday 7-9-09 and weighing in at 90.5kg 3 weeks in (Started at 85KG) still have untill the end of september to try get close to 95.
John Cena has a pretty killer physique.. But Kevin Levrone in his 40s is pretty killer
sorry let me rephrase that.. about 95% of the people i know and a rake and 3 - 5 months later their quite massive.. So yes around 99.99% of the time they are gearing.. You can tell whos gearing and who isnt.. Someone with a rake-like figure 3 months later is packing meat with massive bi's and tri's..yes thats gear.
iv been asked a few times if im on gear.. Im normally a chubby guy lol
or alot of creatine... but no shit most of the guys at FF in the nortern suburbs have massive arms, traps and tris.. but no chest/shoulders legs or back.. and are loaded with dbol because their too scared to inject... no clue what-so-ever
I kind of disagree. Yes i think its pretty weak the smaller guys jumping on gear to get big quick becaue they think its the answer. Massive for summer then die down after summer and end up with low test levels..
But gear makes it harder for you, you need to train harder and more efficient, eat a crapload more, rest right etc etc.. What are you supposed to do when you hit your natural physique limit? you need something to pass your limit.. Thats when you turn to AAS.
in my opinion anyone who is 21 years old and a decent weight should not even think about using AAS unless you have peaked in natural mass. Im thinking of jumping on it, and i will jump on it, but not right now. If i can pack on 3kg in 9 days naturally then i can pack on alot more with a better diet. Once i have everything in check, i wont needa use as much AAS as other guys use and i would get much much better gains. All AAS is, is something that maximises your gains, thats all.
1 cycle tends to help... Your arms look kinda like mine and your delts are pretty similar aswell.. pm me if you care to share what cycle that is..
im now on 89kg just about 2 weeks into my bulking from 86kg.. Got another month to go, going to focus more on clean calorie increase to try get upto 95kg.. if i can. So far every muscle that had some good size on my body is denser and bigger, power is increased a fair bit and strength has inscreased aswell.
if the other supp your getting is from a supp store here in aus, most likely it probably wont work or will have very little gains. best thing to do is have a spot on diet, 60/40 protein/carb. for building mass, a good protein and a good creatine.. Most supps here in aus are crap compared to the stuff in the US. So save your cash unless you know someone who can get supps from the US
main parts you notice is chest, shoulder, tris, biceps and legs.. Some people cant have rocking abs, some people cant have any ab definition at all.. What im saying is, if you dont have the CK model abs, dont stress, because not everyone has a rocking set.. Not even me. Im sporting a KEG atm
you actually dont need to do situps to have abs.. low fat % will show abs.. Whats the good of abs if they arnt strong? id rather have no abs but a flat stomach with insane strength situps with a 20kg plate on ur chest is where its at...
9 days in, weighed myself before starting my workout, 3.5kg heavier, thought it might be food etc. Quick measurement of the arms, nearly 1 inch bigger..
but of a plug here. Anyone in the northern suburbs of melb or seem to be in the epping area visit Energizone.. best pricing you will find and also the biggest range!! Just ask for Tony.
hey guys just started my bulking phase, will be doing it untill mid october, so far im 5 days in and iv put on 2kg (no creatine, pre workouts or mass building proteins) will post results when im half way thru and completed, then will be cutting from mid october for 6 weeks. Never done this before but with the help of a very good mate of mine who has helped me with my training since december last year im confident ill get to where i wana be.
il try do progress pics. But i will write up size and weight.
Alot of guys think just a few supps wil make u massive. Thats just a side thing. Theres training right and training hard. Eating right and protein. U can take shitloads of creatine. But without everything else ur wasting time and cash. I got my cousin to do the same creatine. Made no diff to him at all.
yeah they recommend a 12 week cycle on and 4 week off..
I still eat my carbs, like rice, bread, bananas, some pasta here and there, eggs etc just not heavy carbs like pizza, maccas, kfc, chocolate, soft drinks