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Everything posted by LTHLRB

  1. Welsh plug in the front of the head or head gasket, either the two. Mine decided to blow out while i was drifting at calder, absolutely pissed out! but yeah got it replaced pretty easy.
  2. well my brother will be doing guard rolling once he gets the hang of it (you should c the flares on his 180!! it makes 19 x 9 racing harts look standard!) ill get him to roll your guards, as he will be doing it for a lil job on the side.
  3. Yeah, i heard it was mad! next time its on ill enter, Didnt have time to enter this vicdrift event. Also im going to bring it back to winton, havnt been there since i first put the new motor in.
  4. I wish it was coming along well, climbed the first mountain and made the power i wanted give or take a few KW.. still want to do more work to the engine, more boost and add cams etc. Now i haveto climb the 2nd mountain.. Body work, iv been keeping it off for a while fixing my panels and stuff, but the panels will be fixed, ill be flaring the guards with my new guard roller then a full bodykit, Either Msports or GP Sports. Then a full powder coated black roll cage will be put in and fitted.. Then a new set of rims.. This never ever ever ends does it? My mate used to work at centreline, they did my brothers 180sx and it handles very well, so mines in for the works Hopefully all goes well with the new suspension and the car wont want to throw me into a wall like it almost did last calder.
  5. Thought id update this... Car has been going very strong, been to 1 drift meet with this setup and it absolutely HAULS ASS!!! but with lack of suspension and a stalling problem, its not fun.. Suspension is now in, Camber arms, Lock bar, Traction rods and Castor rods.. thanks to Ryan from ISC PERFORMANCE. Very good bloke to deal with and great value for money. Car will be sent off to Centerline suspension, to get a full wheel alignment to Drift specs. Then will be back at creatd getting a Trust bov fitted plum back to stop this stall problem then back on dyno for a few checkups. Well be back out on the 27th of feb, last wednesday of the month.. Should head down to calder for a geeze.. Or come and say helllooooo Cheers. Phill
  6. pretty much the same as i do, but with ford.. You also qualify as an Advanced technition rather than Technition.. Iv also been put in extra training so i could finish my apprenticeship earlier and qualify a Specialist techniton, then after that is Master tech.. very good pay
  7. id be up for it if i had a twin plate.. having no money sucks balls
  8. well, alot of places liek ford and holden do go thru apprenticeships plus, so they will sign you up to them.. unless they have something diff happening.
  9. even if you have a fall out with ur employer, you can get put into another workplace very quick with a group training.. i cant c how bad it can b? tools payed for, everything on time every time. 1 month holidays a year. 500 bucks in your pocket tax free every chrissy. Only needa do that for 4 years thru your apprenticeship and your set.
  10. who do you thinks employs you? you automatically get signed up with apprenticeships plus or something along those lines, benefits are great. 800 dollar tfyt voucher, 500 bucks after every year you do your apprenticeship. No one these days are employed through the company itself. Ford is my host employer and app plus is my base employer. Thats how it works.
  11. sign up with apprenticeships plus, they will find one for you.. if you have nothing else..
  12. na im sure the K5 will be an animal to say the least.. I am/was actually thinking of selling my 35R and putting a T67 on. But i need cams and a twin plate to even see the potential of the package.
  13. how would you rate the T67 VS GT35R .63 both similar exhaust and wheel sizes..
  14. i guess it goes along with "if you haveto ask how much, you cant afford it" results should be awesome
  15. i dont care whats the price.. im there
  16. i dont see how thats being an idiot? ok you were 10km/h over the limit, but you were clipped from behind and you lost control because of someone else.. You shouldnt be copping these penalties, i suggest a lawyer (not legal aid, their hopeless) and explain what happened and the situation. Best of luck.
  17. hey bud, where abouts are you from? I started my apprenticeship with Ford - Bayford. I have school payed for and is pretty much the most technically advanced schooling. Getting to work at the Campbellfield ford school working on brand new engines, Gearboxes etc. On my 3rd year now, and im currently doing 3rd year schooling, Qualified Tech training, Advanced diagnostics and just starting my EFI Tuning. We are always looking for people with a good head on their shoulders to work, Its not really fun at the start, just services etc. Its nothing like a performance workshop, you dont "build" engines and stuff. More diagnostics, remove refit, and repair. Alot of the guys who come and "claim" they love cars and cars are their life, they show no interest or anything towards the job. If you show your interest to gain all you can in mechanics you will get far trust me. Cheers, Phill
  18. make up for what? hese a top bloke
  19. yes, yes i am referring to that tissue box on wheels.
  20. eyyyyyyyyy how u goen
  21. That there is the JaR man.. and you are a f**k head you having a sook because yours comes nowhere near that?
  22. ill be there cant wait for this one
  23. what a dumb c**t you are bud. Hows about you kill urself how was i trying to do any sucking up? but the fact that what iv said is true.
  24. you can give Camberwell VW a call, service manager is my uncle and you could take some fotos of their cars? brand spanker vee dubs etc or just go in and take pics
  25. When i saw cats car, i knew it was packing 300kw+ when i saw it on dyno and when i saw it on track, to me it looked like it had issues of too much traction at calder etc, but when cat got it rolling this thing was unbelievable, picks up good speed while torching the tyres, very good exit speeds. also acsplit: cats car wasnt tuned on the street
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