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Dose Pipe Sutututu

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Everything posted by Dose Pipe Sutututu

  1. Do this please, trust me you don't want to do what I did. Also when you move to the billet Spool oil pump gears, you also increase flow (bad thing). I took apart a fully working NEO motor, got carried away (was suppose to only do HG, studs, bearings), nek minnit built dis dat, ARP rod bolts, ACL bearings, blah blah blah. Killed the motor after 2x track days, stock unopened motor did about 10+
  2. As @Murray_Calavera has said, no one wants to pay for it and also with the usage of E85 you tend to know when the motor knock. Power will drop with more timing, where as with 98RON you tend to still make power with more timing however might be in the knock range already.
  3. I'm going to be honest here, I don't think the knock control for the Platinum Pro works properly, I've never been able to get it ready or log correctly.
  4. Oh you know back then you could have easily bought 350Z Brembo front calipers with used OEM rotors for $500 or less. A while after I wrote that stupid article the price of 350Z Brembo calipers shot up lol.
  5. Yes, here's a guide I wrote back then when I cared about sharing knowledge lol http://www.trak-life.com/diy-350z-brembo-brakes-conversion-nissan-skyline-r33-gts-t-gts-gts-4/
  6. I can help with Kelford cams
  7. and nek minnit you order GT-R rotors and they don't fit because the previous owner installed 350Z Brembo Calipers with 350Z discs.
  8. Correct for the R32 GT-R (non V-Spec, Sumitomo calipers) but some just throw on R33 GTS-t rotors as they're a bee's dick cheaper.
  9. No you need 324mm rotors, GT-t are 310mm. If you need DBA rotors, I can help with competitive pricing
  10. I like the razor sharp cutoff like modern cars!
  11. And in earlier documentation we were advised to unplug & disable the flag... guess what that did? make the car go straight to the last column everytime it came onto boost... yeah that was fun, went pig rich and shot out a backfire. Updated documentation then recommended it was plugged back in, flag disabled and the voltage limits maxed out. This helped, but the transient map was a pain in the arse to tune.
  12. I don't even bother playing with the K constant anymore.. Use the drop down to select the correct AFMs, scale the injectors properly, then use the TIMS setting to fine tune. Then rescale the load axis on both ignition and fuel map. Tune, rip skids.
  13. Took me nearly that amount of time to somewhat finish part of my build to get the power I wanted. Then I killed the motor in less than a year 😂
  14. Just top it up and off you go again, has a VW or Audi feel to it. Every time you fill up your fuel, top up your oil & water 🤣
  15. $260 at a strip joint is money well spent, when compared to those pulleys
  16. Now only after the front lip / chin spoiler for the R33 S2 GTS-t front bar
  17. Hey team, I'm after a pair of OEM side skirts, OEM rear pods and the S2 front spoiler (chin spoiler as others have called it, also can be FRP just good quality) for a Series 2 GTS-t. I'm located in Cabramatta, NSW 2166. Cheers!
  18. R34 GT-t uses 310mm rotors but the same DB1170 (Benshit ref) brake pad.
  19. Idle strategy involves timing correction, you need to disable the idle closed loop by unplugging the TPS before checking the base timing to see if it's synced to the GameboyFC.
  20. Who has said a N/A RB sounds better? Unless it's a N/A RB with high comp, high RPM, ITBs, dirty fat cams, then that's the only exception.
  21. For a cheap, effective, and reliable (can't believe those 3x words could be in the same sentence) go for OEM R34 GT-t calipers, with 310mm discs. They still use the same DB1170 brake pads. All you need to do is enlarge the bolt hole to accommodate the 14mm bolt off the R34 caliper, then the discs, calipers, bolt straight on. Just need to grind off the lip on the disc shield behind. Some remove it altogether, however it's recommended it remains there to avoid debris being thrown at your rotors.
  22. Why do Australians love to talk in HP when for everything else we use the metric system? Remember when NASA lost a spaceship because some fk tards at Lockheed Martin decided to send calculations in imperial shit? Space vacuum = 0 kPA Earth = 100 kPA Sick RB = 400kPA It's like when American morons tell you water boils at 212 degrees, just sound so stupid, water freezes at 0 degrees C and boils at 100 degrees C - so logical. HP is like measuring your dick from your arsehole.
  23. You'll be up for a nasty surprise if you want that kind of sound with a RB20 N/A
  24. R32 GTS-t and Z32 calipers are winged like that, appears to be sitting on 280mm discs too looking at the distance between the disc & 16" wheel.
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