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Dose Pipe Sutututu

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Everything posted by Dose Pipe Sutututu

  1. I'll post up some updated ones tonight, added even more timing up top
  2. I posted up a few of my maps on the hypergear thread
  3. internet lags at work, looks like our useless marketing team are all surfing the net and watching youtube lol
  4. won't fit on a GTS-t without some serious dicking about.. at about the same time you could convert to 21st century injector technology like what I've done here: http://www.trak-life.com/diy-converting-top-feed-injectors-r33-gts-t-skyline-rb25det/
  5. 5.5 seconds of eBay searching & scrolling lol http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Turbo-Oil-Water-Line-Stock-T3-Nissan-Skyline-RB25DET-6AN-/291317351804?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item43d3de057c
  6. just buy the Kando kits on eBay, they fit great + super cheap! Orido's RIDOX Supra doesn't have a BOV and it sounds tits!
  7. BOVs are gay... just use the stock one, or no BOV
  8. I would rather keep the stock turbo, that KKR 480 dim sim special turbo would lunch itself before the stock one would.. If you're on a budget, save your dollars for a Hypergear High Flowed unit... it will save you from heartache.
  9. Then there's another issue of them producing next to no current/voltage as rpm increases too. I've had two stock RB ones do just that, as soon as the RPM increased past 4500rpm voltage drops dramatically and once you back off the accelerator the voltage went back to normal. Ended up just buying an aftermarket 85amp bosch unit from a VL Commodore with the bosch to Hitachi harness. Works great now, however because it has an external fan it's makes this stupid whine noise which I don't like lol
  10. And if compression is low across the board however even, just screw in heaps of boost* to make up for it haha #soundadvicealways
  11. hopefully under $300 haha...
  12. you should check fuel pressure, it might pump but that doesn't mean it will be supplying the right amount of fuel
  13. just looked up, Kudos has dropped their prices dramatically..
  14. And also there's a quick way to disable any keypad too. Useless design
  15. Entire OEM pump, belts, pulleys, seals from eBay US can be had around 300$ delivered to your door step.
  16. yeah they're a good turbo.. GTX? or GT? and what rear housing? Also who's your tuner? curious.
  17. A fly wheel would not cause any of those issues. Possibly a few loose bolts or the gearbox mount not bolted back correctly. Have a look at those first then check to see if the bolts on the tail shaft are tight too Also are you using a sprung centre disc or solid?
  18. will swap for a car that has/is: less than 10 years old 4 doors has ABS has more than 2 airbags has sunroof has climate control decent condition loads of creature comforts No Commodores or Falcons (I don't mind the latest shape Commodore but in reality noone will swap that for a R33 lol)
  19. What I find ironic is that the coppers refused to do a police report because no one was hurt. But seriously, he was doing so top speed shit to even cause that much damage. If he was doing 50km/h I am sure there would have been less damage than that. And by the time they got there, he had sobered up. Yeah when they moved the VT commodore it took a chunk of my lawn out
  20. So yeah, looks like Mr Commo owner tried something new - took out 3x cars and ended up into the pole. I'm a little upset my lawn is ruined, and he's cracked the gutter.. On another more serious note.. this happened around 7pm, it took the local cops 2.5 hours to come to the scene. Then they breath tested the dude and he barely scraped through as being legal to drive. If they have gotten him 2.5 hours earlier when everyone called they might have had him for DUI. So yeah... not sure what to think of coppers to when they come and talk to you like you're some criminal too. And to add more salt to the wound, they kept saying "your greenslip will cover for all the damage to your vehicles, trust me I've been doing this for years"... Anyhow, what a night!
  21. And local support!
  22. Not on my car, but two S15s I installed them on both overheated and swapped back to the OEM fan, surprise surprise.. All back to normal.
  23. best approach & minimal effort.. sell your car, buy a GT-t
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