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Dose Pipe Sutututu

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Everything posted by Dose Pipe Sutututu

  1. Fark it, tube front end. Might as well 🥲
  2. I was referring to the pubs/cafes/shop fronts etc. commercial properties up for sale soon when all the tenants vacant and landlords are forced to sell as they can't keep them. I hope Wakefield doesn't shut.
  3. Here's hoping it's shut for a month or two and there's massive economic backlash everyone begs for it to reopen asap. If not, there will be plenty of cheap houses, cheap commercial properties for sale very soon. Let's be honest, there's not much to do in Goulburn
  4. My current AGV helmet is looking rather sad, will definitely get modernised gear soon enough. Can't put a price on safety.
  5. I think we need a SAU vs SAU drag night for sure. I'm keen, let's do it 😎
  6. There are plans for it, been a plan for a while lol. I really should just do it, mainly for safety. Especially now I'll be easily doing 220 to 230km/h down the mainstraight at Wakefield Park (provided it even stays open now due to all the issues they're having).
  7. Yes and no, the Zeta 3 Plus holds very well for lateral movement when compared to a Recaro SR3 or a Bride Brix (used them both also real ones not fake ones). I agree a harness will improve being planted in the seat.
  8. It's a space thing, will now need to leave the stock seat at the in laws. Joys of Sydney, pay for air not land.
  9. They are, but for some light track work, they offer decent support. I used to have a Recaro SR3 in the shit box and it was hopeless for Wakefield. I would be trying to push myself into the seat another corners instead of trying to steer.
  10. I'm planning on going twin recliners. So yes there will be matched seats, but not a pair of fixed buckets. This is just a stop gap until I get a pair of recliners. Maybe Recaro Sportster CS 😍
  11. It's not bad, much more comfy compared to the usual Zeta seats. Space wise, I would say it's comparable to the Recaro Pole Position (waist, arse area) but with a larger top area for broader shoulders. I have a bad back, and any car seat that's not OEM will give me back pain in about a hour.
  12. Race seat back in, shit is getting real. For those curious, it's a Bride Zeta III Plus, made for people bigger than the average Japanese racer.
  13. I have location you. Lol... Was on my phone at the time, and sigs don't load on mobile view 😎
  14. @BaronOBeefdip I no find.. ☹️ Tried Beer Baron, this current user too.. no cigar or sushi.
  15. I think it's factory fitted on all RB25s, just the RB20s missed out My oil pressure sits like at 7~8 bar for a good 10 minutes before it warms up and thins down... And yes, 15 minutes feels like ages!
  16. yep lol.... I think also because the hole already exists there's much lower propensity for it to go on an angle
  17. Doooo it, you need it lol. Just a note, you need to clearance the trim to clear the Deutsch connector but nothing a 22mm hole saw bit can't fix.
  18. 100% it is, gets your oil to temp much quicker. Sure you can run a thermostat on your oil cooler block but it still takes ages to get your oil to temp. I deleted my water/oil heat exchanger just to tidy up that area however it took like 15 minutes of doodling around town before the oil even got to 50°C lol.. Mind you, this is on a 10°C morning.
  19. Let's just say that private track day, I might have one of those strapped in the car for testing 😎 I'll reveal a bit more after the day.
  20. See how I go, if I start to get back into circuit racing like before I might just buy this: https://www.garmin.com/en-AU/p/690726
  21. Kind of can, I have a feeling there will be max level of anxiety on the day lol... I have a Garmin VIRB which tracks a few data points such as laptime, speed, Gs, etc.
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