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Everything posted by shorty_01

  1. hahaha..... rebirth! Yeh i be up for something.
  2. If only u were in adelaide, i buy that off you... but u in brisbane!
  3. ill be interested too =P woot woot
  4. Dun forget Engineer's Cert. about $1,000-$2,000.
  5. ME Love you LONG tIME? Asian Theme ey? Bring asians? Asian MAN
  6. Hey mate, nice ride. Gl with sale man. 15,000 is a bargain! Do u have an engineer's cert for engine swap mate? How much did Engineer's cert cost if u got one? Regards
  7. Do you have an Engineer's Certificate for the car? Wouldnt want a hassels from cops if they ever looked under the bonnent.
  8. Z - imports cost u around 1500g inc labour with heavy duty clutch
  9. i have a 200 = ) mwhahahah! Getting skyline soon again
  10. got me Jun BL system fitted! Are u back from china Skippy.
  11. Hey Duc, YOUR INBOX IS FULL SO I CANT PM YOU! I just got my Boost gauge today, its a 52mm Mechanical Boost Gauge and have my trubo tech boost controller reading to be installed = P. Finally got the 3 inch Jun BL DTM style catback exhaust fitted today at ET for $600. WHen are you free bro to help me install it = P lol! PM ME back, i got no credit on my phone atm. Make a TIME N DATE n ill be there. Cheers = )
  12. hahahaha! Nozila is aiight, he pre owned a silvia so its all GOods. I may need htlp installing G-teck front n Dump pipe. too. Ill call u soons ^ ^
  13. CHEERS BRO! Im buying the exhaust tmr n will recieve boost gauge on monday(due postage).. So around 29th/Oct for us to ctach up. Time for me n you to catch up n have a Corona. Ill call soon as i get my boost gauge. cheers vietnamese bro lol
  14. Hey all, Just woundering if any 1 has a little free time and could help me install a turbotech boost controller and a boost gauge too sometime = ). Nozila aka Duc can you help me out brother > < or does any1 know, how much it cost to get it fitted from a business???????? ALL FEEDBACK IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!! with love, hahaha SHORtY
  15. haha! Ahh thanks deluxe for cleAring that up for me good shizzle! Ill think about it.
  16. Ermms? Question. how much are S n R plates? and what is S n R plates sorry for noob question. I just want 3 letters or 6 letters on me s14. How much taht be approx?
  17. Yeh, i had a false report made by some old folks n got a warning letter > <. They said i was driving rekless down a surburbon street when i wasnt. > < Some sly stuff out there
  18. Hey all, My gf just suprised me purchasing me one of these. Just wondering anyone here noe how to install it into a s14 series 1 PICS? I tried a search but nothink > <. Cheers ppl
  19. ahh i got Bday party too on sat > < gonna get wasted. Next one for shizzle! Whats ups with all the bdays??? i got two on sat. lol!
  20. cheeers all = ) Yeh i got the happy eyes.... ^ ^ lol. but will prob get eye lids when getbodykit for car make them look more > < angry lol. yeh drive safe.. i already had a scary experience saturday nighty.. raiining as hell. Pit too much power exciting.. u guys get the picure... > < never agai... love u all
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