The biggest problems with these is that it is left up to the cops discretion as to whats illegal (as seen by what happened to ToMMaH) and that your car getting impounded is punishment before trial and therefore perverting the coarse of justice (only way i can put it its probley got some legal definition) by being guilty before proven innocent.
What we need here in Aus is an organization to stand up for our rights as car enthusiests, we are getting persecuted becuase we enjoy our cars and want to make them unique. Now I am not talking about defending hooning or drink driving or similar I am purley againt these illegal modifications laws as we have no actual list of what the cops can target us with, QLD transport's own booklet dosn't cover most of the stuff we can do to our cars and tech is evolving all the time.
Say in my case I have a GFB deceptor pro blow off valve, on the roads i drive with it set to plumb back and when i goto the track i open it up but all it needs is one over zelous cop to take exception to me over it and i could potentialy lose my car due to it being an illegal modification. (and i am not even going to get into the whole battery pan hole cutting thing)
So everyone I encourage you to step up and say NO MORE, We demand fairness which includes cops who don't specificaly target us becuase of our cars when there are clapped out bangers on the road that are a danger to everyone, A list of what is actualy illegal in the goverments eye and a leniancy if its obvious we are going to the track as to what mods are on the car at the point (seriously who can afford to take a mechanic with them or get a towtruck to the track everytime)