Had a cruise on the weekend, was great fun, from Ballarat to Geelong, a bloke took us on a back road (mount steglitz or somethin like that), and it was unreal!! Twisty and Turny, up and down all over the place.. Was great!! The problem is i miss read a really tight banked hairpin.. Hit it way too fast and really had to get on the anchors HARD and the front right suspension felt the full brunt of it all. Kept cruising to Geelong, pride a lil damaged but nothin else...
Then i noticed some knocking every now and then coming from the front right coilover. Pulled over, checked underneath and there it is, bloody oil everywhere!! So looks like i need that coilover rebuilt.
Does anyone know of anyone who does them? As Ballarat is a shit town and no-one knows bugger all!! haha Also any ideas on how much it costs?
Thanks heaps in advance!!