Is it possible if anyone can answer this question?
The other day my mate got pulled over after a copper had been tailgating him for sometime (around 5 minutes or so) anyway my mate didn't know it was a policemen, and just hacked it for a while, then we attempted to run away (very stupid idea) anyway as soon as we did that the copper turned his lights on and pulled us over. He ended up coming up and saying 'your a stupid dickhead' as soon as he got to the window. We just looked at him, and he goes 'I'm going to book you for 100 in a 60 along such n such avenue' (which was when my friend probably was doing that speed, so yes he deserved it. Though this was somewhat 5minutes before hand.
IS the copper allowed to pull you over such an amount of time after you break the law?
As the copper grabbed his details and returned back to his car, i asked my mate if he could provide us with a speed reading that he got, and the policemen simply came back and said i 'estimated it'. Which i didnt think they were allowed to do?
Anyway, we both went out seperate ways.. and he never got the fine in the mail (months ago now).
So - are cops allowed to book you ages after you do something wrong? Specially if its speeding, and secondly, can they guess speeds?
Located in Canberra.