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Everything posted by LO_R33

  1. Guys, Need a R33 Non turbo Or turbo diff with shafts. I got a qoute, $395 + $35 postage for Non turbo diff from justjap in sydney and $650 + $35 postage for the complete r33 lsd with shafts setup. If anyone has any of these items and can do me a better deal i wil snap them up asap. Dayne
  2. What does ethanol actually do? I heard it did something to the fuel lines, and they only recommended it on newer cars. Is there anywhere we can find out facts other then myths? Other then that, what will the extra 2 RON do? will it make the car run richer? if we do only have a stock ecu, though advanced timing should we be careful? Does the car give any signs that its running lean? What can we listen for? Dayne
  3. I work at Coles Manuka doing fruit and veg:D My brother owns his own business, Canberra Test Tag, so if anyone needs any testing or tagging done pm me and i can get him to qoute you:) Dayne
  4. I will be using it or atleast trailing it, can't hurt to give it a chance, just will be careful if i hear pinging etc. 100ron, pretty exciting to finally hear someone offering 100ron in australia off the pumps:D lets hope BP up's there ron levels now too:D Dayne
  5. Bump!!! Anyone have any different diagrams? Dayne
  6. Lol - not a problem:P Dayne
  7. will sell the car once its fixed man Dayne
  8. Sweet, well Justjap in sydney are going to supply me with one for a good price, think i'll just chuck a non - lsd diff back in there though.. not worth the extra $300 in my eyes for a non turbo. Dayne
  9. Thanks mate I no longer need a gearbox though Dayne
  10. Alright, i have an rb20e and my diff has just died. Seeing as BADR33 you have the same car as me it might be my best bet to talk to you... so do you have msn or anything that i can add you on to get a little more detail? I want to put a new diff in it, pref LSD, though how rare as these cefiro diffs? I need it fairly urgently, so the sooner the better. If i have to change the shafts that connect to the diff, what else needs to be changed or are they all compatible? Dayne
  11. Well, Its all good news for the gearbox, as its not it. But its not so great news for the differential. We disconnected the tail shaft, and have found a knock in the differential... Its kinda good news as maybe now i can upgrade to a lsd. My uncles comming over tonight to pin point the problem a little closer, so hopefully i'll know later tonight. So now i have my next question, whose had any diffs rebuilt before? The only place i have first hand dealings were in Philip, does anybody think its worth getting the non-lsd diff repaired.. or should i upgrade to a LSD? Does anyone know any wreckers etc in canberra that may have one? Dayne
  12. maybe you could throw a resistor in the circuit? Dayne
  13. 14.4 usually, parents SS sits at 14.6 Dayne
  14. Yeah, i wont know 100% until the box is out of the car whats wrong with it, maybe a chipped tooth or something. I dont want to take the box all the way up to sydney, i will go get a price once the box is out for a rebuild.... then i will get a price for second hand box. I can get a R34 gearbox out of a GT for $500, and fast and the furious want $695 for a second hand box with no garantee's! So i'll go check out trojan today see what they can do, and i will go to advance transmissions once the box is out of the car... though dad isn't to keen on a rebuild, he just wants the box gone. Dayne
  15. Hmm, sounds like it could be the go, who sells ethanol blended 98 tho? Dayne
  16. Hey mate, With the R34 gearbox will i need to change my tail shaft, i have a r33 skyline rb20e.... Dayne
  17. It doesnt matter if they dont 'seem' to have any problems. Nor did mine till on saturday i was driving along at 60k's in 4th gear and it decided to make a knocking noise? Nothing can be assumed unless both items have been opened, and examined. What im saying is, you can't complete a engine conversion with a budget of $x amount of dollars, and not cater in for, engineering, gearbox, differential, tail shaft, brakes, etc. You need to make sure even if you just go the engine, ecu, and engineering approach that you have money there for everything else just * in case * something goes wrong. Also, question for you, how come you had to replace the clutch, because you wanted to or..? Most clutchs i know dont wear out with less then 40,000kms on them, and if it did would of ment it had a kaining, and was totally abused, wouldn't that mean that there has been some stress on your gearbox or diff..? I would say depending what engine you wanted to upgrade to, rb20det,rb25det, or rb26dett that it would cost atleast $3000 to get the car going... thats probably with a Rb20det, ecu, and installed and engineered. $1000 for engine, $1200 for installation, $600 for engineering and $200 for anything else that might need changing. So obviously the fee's will vary from shop to shop, but basic rb25dets these days with ecu are around $2500 mark. Dayne
  18. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/lo_r33/IMGP0247.jpg theres your answer no i dont come up to sydney, you would have to come down to collect it. Dayne
  19. One rim is bent. The rubber on them is fkn expensive stuff! These rims when i got a qoute to repair the guy said they retailed at about $1000 each! http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/lo_r33/IMGP0250.jpg http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/lo_r33/IMGP0248.jpg http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/lo_r33/IMGP0249.jpg and this last one is the f**ked rim. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a30/lo_r33/IMGP0251.jpg Bump!!! NEEDS TO SELL ASAP! Dayne
  20. No its not, and i've shot gunned those parts so anyone else who wants the engine can have it without them. Dayne
  21. Rear diff there is no way will hold up, my cars rear diff is gone now and thats just after a heavy duty clutch went in and after a couple launches. Bare in mind, my gearbox has been rebuilt once before too.. safest option, replace diff, replace gearbox, replace brakes, and definetly replace clutch while your at it. The best bit about mine is, i know that my gearbox is good, i know my clutch is good, and i will soon know my diff is good:P so the conversion is 1/2 done. Dayne
  22. I have one of these, i shot gun the coil pack off it and the leads and the starter motor! I will pay postage to canberra Dayne
  23. Cheers for that man, i might rip the tail shaft out to see wether its the box or the diff... then i'll work from there. Dayne
  24. Hey guys, I have a problem with my skyline. Got a knocking sound comming from the drivechain. Its either the diff or the gearbox. If its the gearbox my uncle and father can take care of it no worries, but if its the diff its another story. its a non-LSD diff, out of a non turbo, non-abs, non hicas r33 skyline. Where in canberra would i be able to source a diff cheapish, or where in canberra does good rebuilds. My parents HSV was rebuilt by a mob in philip, and they re did the entire thing including stripping it down, rebuilding it, and putting it back in. This cost like $1200 but i was talking to a mate who got his done for $350-400ish.. So if anyone has any good experiences, let me know. Cheers Dayne
  25. yeah, as i said they are paint stripped and two of them are primed and the other 2 are not. will send you a pm Dayne
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