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Everything posted by agentx

  1. thanks for the links mate, changing spark plugs looks lengthy lol. took 4 mins to do on my swift gti hahah. as for the AAC, I understood the majority of it, but just the adjusting idle part seems lengthy, i HAVE to take out the ECU to adjust idle? i mean its fine where it is right now, dont have a problem with the idling. Also, TPS adjustment isnt necessary yea? thanks again!
  2. thanks mate, i'll try and find the tutorials. and yes i haven't serviced the car since i bought it 2 months ago or something ... i'll do it asap, as soon as this shit weather turns good lol. Cheers
  3. hey guys, im certain this has been covered before. Maybe im using the wrong key words the symptoms are: when i start the car cold ... it hesitates around 2000 - 2400 rpm for a couple of seconds before taking off ... i just wanna know what the possible causes are? Skylines have cold start valves as well im guessing? Could that be it? It's fine once it warms up and all. What could be the possible causes? Any links to other threads would be fine as well Cheers
  4. only took u a month to reply llol. too busy on NS
  5. Ok guys. as the topic states im after a stock r32 gtst steering wheel or anything that would looks stock and be legal etc. Would prefer melbourne pickup but willing to negotiate postage. Pm on here. Cheers
  6. ahh ok thanks for that. Makes perfect sense. Now while you guys are here i'll get you to answer another question for me please :] 16x6.5 ... whats the widest tyre i can get on them without being too dangerous 215, 225? or 205 is the widest i can go? Thanks guys, and thank you optus for providing such an awesome shaped 28.8 bandwidth.
  7. ok, i know this would have been covered .. but seriously searching for the last 30 minutes on dialup ... couldn't find anything. Can someone tell me what the difference is? width, design, look etc thanks !!
  8. im talking to myself! well removed the heat shield etc and had a better access to the wastegate. the hose on it from the comp housing was actually a fuel line so i replaced that with a brand new vacuum hose. The air intake pipe from the filter to the turbo was a bit loose so tightened that up, tried moving the wastegate open and close by hand and it worked ... its not blocked or anything. now taking it for a spin, its showing around 1.3-1.4 x100KPa on the gauge which if im not hugely mistaken is around 11.6 - 13 psi roughly yea? So i guess thats fine because i do have a bigger exhaust which would increase boost from what ive read? Can someone drop in and comfirm lol. ive gone crazy working on the car and then reading up about this. The only problem was the boost controller was running very high boost and after taking that off ... the boost gauge confused me cuz its in KpA instead of normal psi etc. Thanks guys! waiting for someone to confirm so i can rest!
  9. a bit of an update guys. Removed the manual boost controller and put the vacuum line from the compressor side to the actuator and took it for a bit of a run. Its still going up to 0.9 bar in 3rd and a bit under that in second. It SHOULD go to 10 psi from what ive read. Couldnt REALLY inspect the hose because of lack of space, will do that tommorow as well. If thats all good ... whats left ?
  10. ok just had a look, the vacuum line from he actuator is hooked into a nipple on the turbo itself ... with the boost controller tee'd in between the line. Whats the correction?
  11. thanks for the help paul, about to go out and look at it. dump and turbo etc everything down there is stock except the boost controller addition. One thing, if i take the controller off and it runs the standard 8-10 whatever psi it runs ... will that affect the running? Will i need to get it tuned again? cheers
  12. It sounds ok, nothing too wild. Boost gauge is mechanical and does show the correct vacuum on idle. Also, http://www.alamomotorsports.com/blitz/MD_BOOST_MW.GIF ... thats roughly what it looks like ... thats showing it in bar right? i.e. 1.5 is 1.5 bar = almost 20ish psi?
  13. thanks for the replies fellas. I didnt think it would be possible for the turbo to bring out 20+ psi lol. I had a look in the dark and couldn't really see where the vacuum for the actuator is taken from, but I did see that there's a flimsy lookin manual boost controller tee'd into that vacuum line. I'll check it first thing tommorow morning for leaks etc. Another thing, is it ok for the boost controller to be tee'd there? is that where its put in normally? (never really used a boost controller). Also, if i cant find a leak .. can i try playing around with the boost controller and try to turn the boost down from there? Will i have to get the car retuned to run the lower boost? Sorry for the couple of noobish questions Cheers
  14. lol. Well I installed another boost gauge because i suspected it wasn't showing the right boost. This one is a blitz unit ... still the same problem. Goes to 1.1 bar in second gear and to a whopping 1.6 bar in 3rd gear. Now the turbo is a measly stock rb20 turbo so theres no way it would go that boost would it? Also I bought the car a couple of weeks ago and the owner told me its tuned by dr drift to run around 12 psi. What could likely be the issue? Vacuum line is running directly from the plenum where the stock one runs, no t-piece ... i've disconnected the stock one.Can it be the vacuum line because its cheap plastic? Thanks for the help!
  15. are the stock wheels still for sale mate? any pics?
  16. lookin good man, i just bought my first 32 as well. Just transferred it to my name yesterday. Are those stock wheels painted? lookin nice. Got any better pics of the wheels? Whereabouts are ya in melb?
  17. ahh ok. yea had a fair idea of the linux structure. i'll download slackware and debian tonight. Will install them on the shitty rig i bought . windows 2003 and 2008 are on their way. I've already played around with active directory etc in windows 2000 so will start with 2003. thanks for the help again mate
  18. agentx

    Spotted Thread

    saw a black 32 park in the 7-11 on the cnr of Huntingdale rd & Waverley Rd.
  19. ahaah kool. So i guess i'll keep applying to grad jobs and tech support jobs and get in whereever i can ... and then worry about the other qualifications later. oh and ... can anyone comment on this ... "I'm still a bit new to linux, so don't exactly know how distributions work ... e.g. Redhat is a distribution but fedora is a sub division or ? In uni, we worked around with SUSE, i didnt mind that at all, should i get that?" and also, which windows server should i download to have a crack at? 2003 or 2008? Cheers
  20. I'm sure it'll be a whole lot easier for you to find one Good luck with it! as for me ... i think i'm going to do away with ubuntu 8.04 as it has a couple of bugs here and there and i'd like a more stable version. And also ... i've found it to be a bit too straight forward haha. What dist would you guys recommend? I'm still a bit new to linux, so don't exactly know how distributions work ... e.g. Redhat is a distribution but fedora is a sub division or ? In uni, we worked around with SUSE, i didnt mind that at all, should i get that? cheers
  21. hey Paul, i've managed to get dual boot to run now! Installed ubuntu in the end and got the device drivers etc working. I'll still get another rig and connect it to my HD tv i guess so i can practice within my room, otherwise i have a computer in the other room which i can access anytime ... and another one in another room lol. But in the end what i've decided to do is ... i'll apply for a couple of graduate positions, and a few tech support (phone) positions and get in whereever i can. And on the side, i'll keep practicing linux and windows servers at home most nights ... and then do a couple of qualifications (MCSE, CCNA etc) on the side. I hope this is a good way to get into the jist of things Wish me luck, and once again tons of thanks for the guidance.
  22. hmmm. well i'm gonna back up everything i need before i start. I dont really have the space/resources for another computer right now. I know its not a huge task but i'll probably give dual boot a go and see how i go with that first. Although I will look around for slack ware and see what the go with that is. Going to be getting windows server 2003 as well on the side.
  23. kool thanks, i have decided to install ubuntu as thats that easiest to transition to from windows from what i've read haha. I'm techy enough to figure out how to dual boot ( i think ) haha. shouldnt be that hard. I want to be able to choose between linux / windows 2003 server & windows XP in the end. Should have this all setup in a few days. Then i'll finger around with vmware and make the other computers in my house run domains etc etc. time to nerd it up.
  24. Nice. I think rather then doing an apprenticeship, i'll enter the isp tech support role and do some courses on the side and practice at home as well ... can't really "afford" being an apprentice right now
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