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Falcon XR6T

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    BA Falcon XR6 Turbo

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  1. Geez it must have taken alot of courage to say that donkey sh*t. If you weren't such a f*cked up little peice of sh*t you'd realise that tradesman work harder than you little desk job fags. Given the chance and the place I'm sure they would take a few braincells out of you top bloke arsed accountants. You'd better watch what you say around here, you're not king of the world f*ck brain.
  2. Me a loser? Who's the one on a car forum? Go get some real friends you f*cking peice of dog sh*t. Your all fags, I cant believe what lowlife scum I'm talking to.
  3. O.K, O.K. You got me, I don't have a car, I'm five years old and I'm going for my L's tomorrow. The business is called Woomera day care center, thats where I tune. Sorry, but you guys have been wankers from the start. You're ridiculous statements just to create argument, pathetic attempts at stabbing at me. Honestly, get a life your on a forum for gods sake! I just realised how gay this really is. You are all tossers as far as I'm concerned. GET A LIFE!
  4. Yes that is right, you and everyone else on here cared. If it was my XR6T, do you think anyone else would care? I don't think so. Sure I like imports too, but if someone wins a dyno day in one I don't really care. Especially if it's making that crap sort of power, come back when you get some real power to talk about. BTW, I saw the photo of the R33... That looks like crap aswell. And as for that West Coast Eagles guy... What a fag! Nice picture ya wanker! He should be banned because he's so crap! Go home mate, everyone hates you! Haha.
  5. O.K, had enough. Even though this is around the money I have spent I don't care what your opinions are. I don't care if you think this or that should be done, there is no point to even make it sound like you know what your talking about because in front of me, your just making an ass out of yourself, no offence. Yeah right, a 4.0L Six Cylinder Turbo could never make under 400rwkw on a stock engine... loosen your grip mate, you're tugging it too hard. I'll admit, you guys know alot more than I thought you would know but you are what's known as enthusiasts. I do this for a living o.k? Don't even try and tell me what I should do to my car to make that kind of power, this is my profession. I am a diagnostics technician and a tuner. I'm not very interested in posting in the tech section because that is why I get away from work, and again, you guys know more than I thought you would for enthusiasts but a select few of you keep challenging the power levels I'm making. I keep my mods to myself (so I'm not going to list any real ones) but I definetly have done this extremely cheaply so don't bother trying to tell me how much money I've spent either, that's just ridiculous. I appreciate the people who aren't always questioning everything and are just happy that I'm enjoying my car, I notice that on this thread no-one else is opening up with the mods done to their car or the money spent because sometimes it is best kept to yourself, and you don't leave yourself open to criticism if someone doesn't agree. So once again I don't care if you want to be so childish and annoying but you have to ask yourself, what is the point? I won't list mods, I won't record videos of dangerous driving or any driving for that matter, because I don't care if you don't believe me, I have nothing to prove to you. I have told you how much money I have spent, and I'm not going to lie to keep you happy. Maybe you should start talking with me, instead of at me. Just a suggestion. Cheers.
  6. You never want to race ay? Then why am I constantly harassed by japanese cars? It is just beyond belief. There was a guy in an S2000 last year who I got into a bit of road rage with which ended up damaging his car while I drove off. That was an infuriating moment in my driving life.
  7. No matter how I say it, the meaning is still the same. So if getting your magnifying glass out and checking up on my spelling, you're the moron. But some career prospects could be on the horizon for you... I'll recommend you to the teachers board at my local primary school, you can teach people how to spell all day. But seriously, save it for three graders, on this forum I don't think anyone cares. That tip is free aswell.
  8. Thanks mate, good to see someone appreciates it. What do you drive?
  9. Being positive hasn't gotten me anywhere on this forum either. But I love your car, it looks great! I'm not joking that is one of the best R32's I've ever seen. Congratulations mate! Top job.
  10. Well I gave you a dyno sheet from a couple of months ago, shouldn't that satisfy you? I didn't happen to get the camera out and take a photo of the speedo when I was driving (I was more interested in slowing down to keep myself alive before the car started snapping conrods or shooting valve springs around the engine bay). Someone quoted I was running ridiculous boost levels as high as 31psi?!!! Obviously they think they know what their talking about by looking at the timing advance... clearly not. The most boost I have ever run on my car is 16psi, and don't make up something ridiculous to say that I'm not. And by taking the graph to experts you will just embarass yourselves. Damn right I'm enjoying my car, that's how it should be.
  11. You are my hero, yet another pregidous Japanese car owner, how original. Shut up asshole, you've got nothing to say to me.
  12. Yeah fine. I'm not listing any real modifications because I don't want to tell you. I'm not going to research any modifications that are actually possible, most of the time I just mash my keyboard and whatever comes out comes out. Here's the truth: It makes a heap of power for a street car. It's damn quick for a street car. It has seen 330km/h. It makes 10 l/100km. Yes it does have a 4.0L capacity so can everyone just stop saying it's not making enough power for it's displacement (most of your GTR's are running so much boost they are effectively an 8.0L so who cares?). I have spent near $6,500. 1.19sec is my P.B at Mallala. Ignoring the real gear ratio's you might just say it was set up for drifting. I am not interested in driving 600km to show you a video of me in the car doing 330km/h, besides it isn't as fun as it is shit scary (I'm not too keen on dying or wrecking my car so I'm not going to do it again). If you want speed buy a Bugatti Veyron and go for a 407km/h drive.
  13. Sigh... Weak. Does anyone actually care?
  14. BTW. This is a power graph of my car a couple of weeks ago. Note how the power starts at 252rwkw! That's 70kW aove the factory peak. When I reach 365rwkw I will be happy (safely double the factory power). APE.bmp
  15. Yes. I did it myself (+ due to trade discount) It wasn't overly expensive.
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