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Everything posted by DriftSquad

  1. im after a hks 2530 with T3 flange id like to see used and new!
  2. that site dont work?? i think ill do the 2530! so this bolts to the manifold and the dump? and i need to buy 1 for a T3 flange? any 1 know sites with imported performance parts i can look at? new and used? thanks!
  3. whats the GT-rs rated? u think the 2535 is a wast of money?
  4. well what u guys rekon about the HKS 2535 will this still be responcive? for drift?
  5. what about the hks 2540? whats that like? also hats the diferance between the HKS 2530 and the GT25... any 1 know any sites where i can find imported turbos aswell?
  6. use racing fule its cheaper!few of my mates and i brought 80 galons of it lol 1.10 a ltr
  7. iv been reading through alot of posts about the HKS 2530... im building my car for drift so i want a responsive turbo.. is this turbo 2 small? if so what do u recomend? what do u think about the gt28rs? will this bult up and is it any better? also does the hks turbo bult up? manifold and 2 the dumps?
  8. OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS AWSOME!!!! I WANT IT NOWWW!!!! ahh iv never seen such a mad front end swap! i wonder how bad the crash was!!
  9. i think u will find the "wax" u talk about in the engine bay is a rust proofer not a wax.. alot of ford Xr8 and Xr6 come with that 2... if its wax on the out ide of the car the best thing 2 use is ucolpitis oil (spelling on that some1?) and your finger and rub all the patches lightly!
  10. also how does the dash link up?
  11. do u rejon u could ask him about the above?
  12. greddy.. how long will u have these prices for? im looking at a RB25 conversion so the piping wont fit.. do u do custem work?
  13. thats sick man pannel van was the koolest
  14. hey mate when u did your conversion how did u conect your dash up?? and also the Hicas power stearing hydrolic pump... in the R32's it runs the rears hydrolicly and the r33 is electric? did u use the hydrilic pump from the R32? did u have to customize it? do u use the engine mounts from a 33 or a 32? cuz i think the 32 have sigel stud? thanks rhett
  15. lol im 18 now and iv just met a rhett 2... freaky..
  16. yeah the AFM cleaning didnt work i need a new 1! it was playing up realy bad yesterday i nerly didnt make it up my hill... i noticed that if u pull over and let it idel for 10 seconds it will go back to normal for a wile... u guys niticed the same thing? ' any 1 know where i could get a new AFM?
  17. lol my names rhett 2... never met another 1..
  18. what type of filter was it.. the 1 they gave me was only 15 bucks and its plastic and its a little smaller then the origanal 1. was this the case with u??
  19. so your 32 was doing the same thing?? i do have a pod filter i dont know if its oiled or not... a little to late i just cleaned it.. eeep.. i took it for a test run its working fine though?? well i cleaned the AFM so ill go for a little drive n see if it does it again.. if it does ill do the fuel filter
  20. what fuel filter is good to use aswell? i dont think my filter has ever been changed!
  21. hey i cant find anything in the search thingo! how do u replace the fuel filter ina R32 GTS-T its realy deap down and looks tricky! who has dun it here?
  22. i had a big chat with the dude that i did the test with and he didnt rite 1 thing down =) 0 points lost good job! (and i had a few f*ck ups)
  23. no not realy? i have already rest the ECU 2 days ago. can u use degreeser? and spray down the air flow meter? no not wile ideling.. it wfeels like when u have no fuel left but u give it to here anyway and it chugs.
  24. i dont think it would be fuel filter because its only happening randomly. the car will run fine then when it startes putering.. u put your foot down more and it will keep going untill u take your fooot off n wait like 10 seconds?
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