Yes I got a half cut so all the parts needed were from the cut or the RB30e.
The only parts I had to buy were heater hoses and the top radiator hose,wich is a ford corsiar/laser hose I have the part number somewhere and had to cut 1.5cm's off each end for a snug fit.
It goes good,down low theres not much pulling power but at around 2500rpm it pulls very good.Btw it is unintercooled,standard dump and frontpipe,2.5inch cat and exhaust with rear muff chopped off and standard boost with a pod.
I have a supra fmic so thats going in very soon and the whole exhaust from turbo back will be made to.
I paid $2200 for the front cut with 55,000km on it but minus all gaurds,bonnet,lights and brakes.