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Everything posted by impact_blue

  2. yeh that is too far. That's naughty! I missed out on boobies? Actually wait I didn't. Karen Lisa & Myself were all at lunch at Hooters on Sunday and us 3 girls far outweighed the entire hooters staff in the chest region
  3. ummmm i'm probably not the best person to discuss boundaries with. In the 4 1/2 years we've been together, if andy broke up with me every time I kissed some random we would have spent more time apart than together. Damnit no i'm a hardass
  4. fkn oprah is dull today. it's all about men doing 'bad' things like playing golf and not cleaning the dishes. I gave up trying to get andy to clean his own mess up, it's NOT gonna happen!
  5. i'd hope so cos that's a pisspoor excuse otherwise
  6. i'm out dudes, bathurst is on can't miss it!
  7. that's it? you broke up with her because she kissed some other guy?
  8. oh damn... that is whack
  9. Damn straight, i've always wanted an impact blue
  10. Hey marki one question... does she put out?
  11. lol you're all funny f**kers aren't you. I can't wait to have my sil80 and i'm betting it will be done before Troy and Shane's
  12. It will be much like this...
  13. An SR still has a sound, from memory yours doesn't. Oh and I love the gargle of the SR FK A brother. Jun does a kit but I can't find any info on it so it looks as though it'll have to be tomei... not that it's a problem haha
  14. oh ... well... i've always wanted a 2jz blue sileighty. But there is already one of those in QLD and I don't want to be the copycat girl. So andy's been giving me options and i've decided on SR22 It's gonna be forking expensive but atleast the engine itself will be dead cheap and the car will be too. shuttup you puny rednut
  15. don't be mean I will be owning a 4 banger soon
  16. I love that you're a ricer :sorcerer: my brisbane dad
  17. Darren appleton used to sell them at autoshop for $980 a set. He had a shed full of every colour for a while, I don't know what happened to them I am with marki on this one, Japanese Domestic Market
  19. sif ickle shaney will get fat. skinny muthfker
  20. hahah yup It's down the bottom outside target next to professionail and across from medicare.
  21. My balls are heavy. I think I might be male.
  22. Jordan hasn't answered my call
  23. It's a simpsons quote you noobs
  24. you'll have to speak up, i'm wearing a towel
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