THANK YOU! Personally, i'm f**king sick of seeing random shit in here when you know for sure it's been covered earlier.
I'm sorry, I was a 'n00b' once, and probably am still considered one, but really, how hard is it to type in your word and hit search. It's amazing what you'll find when you just go looking. And you'll more than likely find more info on the topic you're looking for, as a lot of people that post in, say, forced induction, won't come into QLD just to see if someone has made a new thread asking for help. I agree that, by all means, if you have searched and found nothing, then make a thread, and state that you found nothing. Jeebus people are so highly strung. IT'S TEH INTERWEB FOOLS!!!
When I started on here, Qld used to have the shit moderated out of it. You'd start a thread asking a question, a mod would do a search, find info on what you're asking, link the thread and say 'closed'. And I found this far more helpful, cos like I said earlier, more people had the opportunity to discuss your query at an earlier date, and more information was collectively gathered.
I think the other thing you've got to keep in mind is, the mods are just doing what they've been told to do. They don't make the rules and they don't pay for the amount of bandwidth used. Every little bit counts!