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dezz last won the day on September 17 2016

dezz had the most liked content!

About dezz

  • Birthday 09/01/1986

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  1. Still waiting to recoup heavy 88e losses
  2. I moved out west 7 years ago and I'm doing alright
  3. 600k for that, that far out, is a rip
  4. Banks aren't giving out money like they used to. Pretty sure they won't factor in shares unless you sell either as they're potentially worth $0 the next day, or in the case of 88e, definitely.
  5. Don't get married, save 100% of all wedding costs, and again 20 fold when you inevitably get divorced and she takes 75% of everything you have. Not to mention all of the money saved while not being married.
  6. Nice of 88e to offer an option at .018
  7. Why the f**k would you pay to rent there? Sounds like a shit hole
  8. I've still got a bit of money left to lose before I stop talking about it
  9. I should just cut my (massive) losses
  10. GG 88E
  11. Plenty of grass Monica
  12. Took me about 3 minutes and I've got plenty of space
  13. Was gonna buy more at 1.6 the other day.. Didnt. I'm solely responsible for the 50% up opening today. You're welcome
  14. I think I've worked maybe 8 days so far this year
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