How does foxtel justify not providing surround sound in 2016, especially with what they charge ...? I'll keep the platinum package if they drop the price enough.. But I all honesty most of it is complete shit... Sopranos, Seinfeld sons of anarchy etc on constant reruns, the same movies over and over again, most of them not even good movies... Sport they've got me because of MotoGP, f1 (although after never missing a minute of coverage in the last 10+ years, my interest is fading with the current state of the sport) and to a lesser extent AFL, but everything else I watch on there is more often than not from boredom and staying on something I've flicked through randomly, and already seen.. Sopranos is a perfect example.. Seen the entire series 10+ times and have the set on DVD, but still watch it on foxtel if I'm bored.. Nature docos I don't mind, but almost everything else they show is either old, shit, or I can download it before they show it anyway, without ads.