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Everything posted by dezz

  1. sfc /scannow says everything is fine.... so everything is fine, but nothing works.
  2. VF ssv redline or 99 Hyundai Excel
  3. Sold the rights for a lazy 8billion? I'd take the 8bil and distance from a dying category
  4. Any of you IT kunce know how to fix this? Was at Phillip Island for a track day yesterday, was trying to download lap times from my HM dash to my laptop but kept getting this error Googled it and it said possible fixes are reinstalling the software that's giving the error.. Did that, no change.. Downloaded latest firmware and usb drivers from HM, HM firmware update software gave me the same error when trying to upload the firmware to the dash... Tried to update drivers through windows, drivers info through windows says no driver installed, selected the folder with new drivers then got this error.. Next step was smash laptop and dash in a rage, but I've held off on that thus far..
  5. My mate will be there..
  6. Some kunt buys $800k worth of tv2 and it goes up $0.001.
  7. Coast Guard
  8. Not even close
  9. How does foxtel justify not providing surround sound in 2016, especially with what they charge ...? I'll keep the platinum package if they drop the price enough.. But I all honesty most of it is complete shit... Sopranos, Seinfeld sons of anarchy etc on constant reruns, the same movies over and over again, most of them not even good movies... Sport they've got me because of MotoGP, f1 (although after never missing a minute of coverage in the last 10+ years, my interest is fading with the current state of the sport) and to a lesser extent AFL, but everything else I watch on there is more often than not from boredom and staying on something I've flicked through randomly, and already seen.. Sopranos is a perfect example.. Seen the entire series 10+ times and have the set on DVD, but still watch it on foxtel if I'm bored.. Nature docos I don't mind, but almost everything else they show is either old, shit, or I can download it before they show it anyway, without ads.
  10. Yep they're cocksuckers, tell em you're cancelling and their price drops 70%...shows how much they're re ripping kunce
  11. Yeah I only really want it for sport but they did a deal when I signed up, just never rang up to cancel it when it reverted back to normal price.. Was already planning to call up and cancel platinum before I got the letter.. They'll just offer a discount when I call to cancel but if they don't they can suck me off, I'll tell em how shit their service is and go back to sport and maybe documentaries as well
  12. On the subject again, got a letter from foxtel yesterday informing me of a $2 increase in package cost, kunce are dreaming
  13. Spent too much on it, I'll have to ride it til it dies
  14. Just got a payrise not stipulated in the EBA, without asking for one. I guess my employer believes I'm worth more than they were paying me.
  15. You couldn't afford me
  16. I love the taste of non union sparky tears
  17. I have better things to do with my time than do cashies
  18. Your incomes go into your bank accounts?
  19. Yeah hero 5 black.. Touch screen could be better but it does the job.. I was filming in 2.7 for the first few sessions but battery life was pretty bad so switched to 1080.. Still had to charge between sessions because it was dropping 20-25% per session... Not a big issue when you have power available though. If you crop a clip can you make it so the speed etc still shows up in other players? Haven't tried that yet but I'm assuming after you actually make a clip in quik as opposed to just watching the videos in it, the gps data stays with the new clip?
  20. Yeah it was filmed in 2.7k so 3 something gb file... Just strange never had an issue playing 1080p movies over my network.. I've got the quik software, I like the gps features being automatically on videos, speed etc, but the software itself is far from great. No play controls when in full screen mode (unless they need to be turned on somehow?) need to press play everytime after searching forward or back in a clip... Little shit but pretty annoying considering its key job is to play videos..
  21. Watching gopro footage from yesterday at PI, sound works fine on the laptop.. tried streaming from laptop to WDTV, sound works for a few seconds then nothing, video is pretty laggy too... so moved the file to the network HDD and played through WDTV (like I do with all shows/movies) same thing happened with the sound.. Am I missing something (apart from the sound...)
  22. "accessing, content through these sites is not OK, in fact it is theft," Sort of like charging $137 a month for sons of anarchy re runs?
  23. I know it hurts to know that you wear a flash suit but make less than plenty of dirty blue collar monkeys, you'll just have to deal with it. You're either trying to bait me, or you're actually a clueless moron, I hope for your sake it's the former..
  24. There's a Taiwanese person that could do your job at a fraction of what you get paid, surely he's the better option.
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