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About ranicx

  • Birthday 04/03/1986

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  • Location
    Sydney, northwest

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  • Car(s)
    GTS25T '95 R33
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  1. Im a bit unsure on this one. I've had a front end fender bender and as a result need to replace my bonnet, headlights and a few other things.. But the main thing im unsure on, is that my car has s1 lights (car is a r33 1995 s1.5 gts-t btw) as standard, but i want to, put in s2 headlights. Mainly because they look a bit nicer and seem to be cheaper anyway for some reason? If i was to get a s2 bonnet, would that be all i need to change to fit s2 head lights, or is there something else? thanks in advance!
  2. Hey sorry to drag up an old thread here. But do you have any part of the shell still for sale or has it been cut up at all? Currently all im looking for is a front cut of just the shell with nothing on it. Doesn't even need the bumper reo if thats been sold. The section of the shell i need is just from behind the front struts, and forwards.
  3. i still think that if you hit it with a hammer, put it back on the engine, it'd fail then.. and then i'd know exactly what caused it to fail good research geoff, quite an interesting read too.
  4. nice, thanks guys, and yep, from the hills area
  5. Hahaha im liking that idea with the shopping list malcolm. im thinking of changing my plates soon again. i get bored of them too easy. currently got ETH 011, in red, but its a tad boring. Got ideas for another one, but i'm keeping that to my self till i have ordered it
  6. need my head serviced, so like a shave, hair cut, brush teeth... nah seriously though, need the head on my engine serviced, needs to be machined mainly, as it has a very slight warp in it, but anything else other than that, like the valves done, and seals. but i could settle for just getting it machined. problem is i don't know anyone who does it as i know most mechanics don't do it them selves and just send it off to be done. any ideas on who could do this? i don't have a clue. ill have the head off the block and everything, so that wouldn't need doing
  7. well its not really a kit, just a belt. but most people change the water pump and the idler and tensioner bearings at the same time as they are meant to wear out soon after the timing belt is due. hence why it can usually cost a bit to change. its easy to do though, only real tool ya need that isn't normal is the harmonic balancer puller, and they are like $20. as for places to get it done, Hills Motor Sport, located in Castle hill, have been good for me so far. had a fare bit of work done through them in the past, rear end rebuild totally. #02 9899 9962 the guy who runs the place's name is Mark. as for parts, Just Jap are a good place to pick up the parts, good price. bit of a distance if you don't live south of sydney, but they will deliver pretty cheap. #02 9545 0532 another good parts place is LinCorp. has all genuine nissan parts. #02 8844 4400 another place, also good for parts but can also do the work i do belive, is Stuart Wilkins Motor Sport. they are out windsor way. #02 4577 2400 if you're confident about doing this your self, do it. it'll save you alot in labour cost. i would offer to do it for you, but im unsure when i'd have time to though.
  8. spotted a white r33, gold rims, in my garage, missing half the engine bay. still. seen it there everyday for 3 weeks now. poor car oh yes, and i have spotted a few times now, a silver r33 s2 on talavera rd, down the lane cove road end, parked outside near holden and dotmar. its there most days. looks very clean and tidy, still stock, but looks well looked after
  9. Motorsport Connections was just the right place. Helpful and friendly
  10. thanks heaps guys! heading out to sevens hills now =)
  11. I need some braided oil and water lines made up, but im having no luck at all finding places that can do this for me. Ideas anyone? im located in the hills area.
  12. blowing white smoke after jumping off boost. guessing oil seals in the turbo are leaking exhaust side. need to rebuild it but dont know and cant find any rebuild kits. any ideas anyone? would be a great help
  13. oh it did haha.. replaced all the gaskets from the head gasket up, so that cost a bit. lol, oh well, any excuse to go turbo is good
  14. Recently i blew the head gasket. from Cyl 6 into the water jacket, causing it to push all the coolent out all over the engine bay and many other anoying problems like making the car shake so much on idle is feels like your getting a masarge. Anyway, i changed it on the weekend and thought i'd post a few photos i took of it for other peoples interest nice and clean and back together again
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