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Everything posted by ranicx

  1. yeh ay, ya cant tell, thats y i was wondering if there was more then one camera, or every1 had a camera! Suspense: i waved to you like a week or so ago thinking it was wilch, lol.. but u didnt wave back! ditched.. :lol:
  2. nice vid, =) how many cameras did ya get footage from? seemed like there was at least 2
  3. quite posibly could help ya out there.. white r33 though
  4. we able to do it with them still on? cause re doing the break fluid and so on sounds like a fare hassel
  5. umm i duno what that is exactly, but i took a fare few pics, got them uploaded at http://www.ranicx.com/imgs/sau/autosalon05/
  6. y not just buy a harley wile im at it :lol:
  7. do you have a set of front standed r33 gtst shocks?
  8. hey tight is good! .. (better then loose :lol:) .. lol seriously though, y spend more money to get the same thing? the stock 4 piston calipers are good, i dont see the need to upgrade to brembos unless ya got serious power over what is stock anyway, back on topic, ill be there stan if im able to find some of this gold paint
  9. dang, gold was sounded good.. gold/chrome rims, gold calipers, would look nice i think i have 4 car stands floating around in the garage somwhere. got a light/medium (i think) too.. it does leak a lil and not always go all the way up, so stands are a must.. wouldnt work with out stands anyway where can i get this fancy gold paint stuff for calipers? oh also, wet + dry paper? do ya mean wet and dry sand paper?
  10. saw rukus and hashpipe turning out of some road (im shocking with road names) onto another raod (oh god), in dural/cherrybrook, haha, im descriptive, rukus knows where! got a wave from him, but i think hashpipe was in the zone.. eyes fixed fwd oh and i think that was yesterday.. cant remember for sure, ive been through that way to the city soo many times this weekend, lost track
  11. cant believe no1s replyed to this yet looks kool, have to see how things go, but i may be up for a copy (gota get the whole set ya know )
  12. yeh i been going slow b4 i get home when its around 9:30pm onwards so i can pritty much just turn it off.. and been shifting early to get to 40ks .. it doesnt bother me too much to do it, no reason realy y it would.. the letter realy got me worked up though haha yeh, i thort id only get a few replys, not 5 pages
  13. rofl, poor car.. musta been squishy
  14. saw a red 32 todaya also. no wing yeh? .. was heading down oldnorthen road at about 6:45am and turned off at Colourwise..
  15. apprently last night at the towers the bra boys (or some racist aussies) where there smashing up "wog cars" and starting fights.. its everywhere now.. i dont even feel safe to leave my car outside my own house! it disgusts me that these ppl call them selves aussies.. makes me ashamed to be an aussie
  16. bahaha!, i know ay, stupid noisy car.. oh also spoted wilch spotting me at dural macers thursday arvo. ya stick out so much more now with the CF bonnet, looks nice!
  17. my picies http://www.ranicx.com/imgs/sau/drag14_12_05/
  18. if it does make them quieter, good excuse to upgrade them
  19. http://www.ranicx.com/imgs/sau/xmascruise05/ christmas crusie photos are up btw .. every single one, blury or what eva hehe
  20. i get the same.. and yeh its normal as far as i know.. but i did have a another knocking noise the other day.. turned out that my strut bar was vibrating on another bracket and all i had to do was ajust the strat bay up a little so it didnt touch
  21. macers is off showground road, up the castle hill end (think it could be old northen raod end) .. ether way its near the shops end, hard to miss, just look for the big yellow thing oh and yep ill be there at macers too at 8am with moanie
  22. live in galston, but i go to the towers quite alot.. never thort this would happen
  23. usaly takes me 30 seconds to get my stuff together and get out, lol.. or a lil less, and if so i just turn it off after what eva time, like 15 seconds or what eva. and lock it. but yeh, now ive been taking it easy for a bit b4 i get home at night, just to make ppl happy. atm every time i see some1 in my street, the first thing that runs through my mind is "i wonder if it was them who sent it"
  24. lol.. sounds like it would work.. just dun wana put too much load through the capacitor.. did first year of a sparkys course, and they showed us (just for fun) whatr happens when ya put too much load through a capacitor, like a decent side one... haha, boom!, nuthing lefft but 1 wires that used to be attached to the thing in the middle.. quite entertaining actualy
  25. mmmm id have to get a camber kit too if i lowered the car ay..
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