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Everything posted by ranicx

  1. carp, i know how angry i was when some1 tryed to break into mine, but to get it actualy broken into.. hmm, westfield realy need to do somthing about that, if anything ya would think theyd do somthing to save there reputation. keep on it stan, make an example of who ever did this to you
  2. timing belt change its self is usaly around 500.. but then ya gota thing about a few other things that are due to go soon, or have a tendency to break.. water pump, and a few bearings too.. mite be an idea to get them changed wile ya at it. but that will put the cost up a fare bit as i think a new water pump is around $300 on its own, but it would be worth it, because taking the belt off again to change the pump would cost abit in labour
  3. just spoted a dark grey (coulda been dark blue or back, too far back to see), r32 gtr with plates AT* *** (i think.. also too far back to see), going along old northen road in dural heading out towards glenorie way at about 3:10pm. i was 2 cars back
  4. spoted so many skylines tonight around the dural castle hill area.. but only noticed it was a 'line when i looked in my mirror and saw the lights.. gf is getting pritty good at it now too. can pick out a 32 33 and 34 at night just from the lights hehe. still gota teach her the difference betweena gtst and gtr
  5. its a s1.5 wil, get it right, lol... mixture of both s1 and 2 ive hit mine on the bottom a few times and on the front (into soft things in the garage) and they mostly just bend then bounce back, doesnt crack at all. but it will still scratch like normal plastic, its just alot more forgiving.
  6. im having a go atm.. well wait for a wile incase i come up with other ideas for it to add hopfuly it'll turn out good, wouldnt mind a set of indicators ya know lol
  7. geez what assholes.. ill keep in mind not to be friendly and wave to them
  8. i got a Mongoose M80 Series .. aparently there pritty good
  9. spoted a marone r32 gtst, along annangrove rd near banaman rd at about 4:45. waved and got one back too
  10. http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/the-mi...2582579352.html some more info..
  11. always seems to be parra road that ppl winge about, and rightly they should, its shocking!
  12. haha forgot taran, poor guy spoted black r33 s1 out at arcadia tonight around 12 i think.. proberly lata
  13. ive got that exact one. looks a lil small but does the job well. not to mention sounds nice . it should come withe mounting bracket and all the bits to attach it to the AFM. but remember, buy a box for it asap to avoid getting defected. theres guys on the forum making realy nice metal ones if ya seach in the NSW forum
  14. crap, sorry xinhua, i always wave. i musnt have been looking.. yesterday around 4ish i woulda been droping gf off at work at the towers. spoted 2 so far today, blue 34 gtr near flower power around 3:30pm or so.. cant remember if i waved or not . but the number plate started with L and was a word, lol.. cant remember too well, was busy checking out the car also a white r33 gtst s2 with some sort of gtr rear wing.. only wider. saw that going past red field collage this arvo around 5:30pm . i waved but it was like a last min wave
  15. just a thort.. have ya check your coil packs (asuming it has them), for cracks or water in them? it can cause them to arc and cause a missfire. happend to me and has also to a few others. if its got water, just dry it and it'll be fine.. if its got a crack in the rubber, u can simply get some good electrical tape and tape it up well.. but not too much that it doesnt fit back in. also could be a dud spark plug.. just a few ideas
  16. woo! .. yeh need somthing to draw the attention away from the poor stone chips in the middle
  17. fuel at the moment for the cheap unleaded stuff, is around 114. just add around 10c to that for 98 fuel.. but from about wednesday till sat-sunday, it generaly jumps up another 10c for the standard 92 fuel..
  18. woh, got a bit heated in here.. wasnt it ment to be a fun day? not a, "im gona beat u and if i dont, its a dodgy dyno" or sumthing.. settle down a lil ppl.. fun day.. not a comp. i had fun for sure as did many others.
  19. ah yeh that'd make sence.. ah well doesnt bother me too much. would be nice for my car to give back to me for once, lol
  20. was a lil od.. although i guess quite a few cars went through during the day so easy to get things mixed up
  21. i couldnt stick around i had to pick up my g/f from work and take her back.. she didnt want to come, although i did turn up for a lil bit, but she wouldnt get out of the car, lol ..
  22. *shrugs* .. oh well
  23. spoted a white gtst r33 s2 going towards dural on old northen road past flower power at about bit b4 2pm i think, then again at about 2:30 same road same place but we where both going different directions! haha, waved both times and got a wave back, friendly guy im guessing it was some1 from sau, but who? didnt catch the plates ether time, haha
  24. i havent had any dealings with them, but i can tell ya from as well as i know dave from envy, they wont talk bs to u or sell ya crap
  25. im still interested in getting the nismo one! i wasnt just saying that yesterday, i do inted to get it, just couldnt at the time (stupid only having money on card all the time)
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