Hey I never pretended I was intelligent, or not a said keyboard warrior myself
Well anyhow, if proven wrong, I'm sure to be there with the other few thousand performance car owners with the US invention of the "class action". But a disclaimer, yes a disclaimer gets out of a lot of things.
I pontificate () even bad batches of 98RON have slipped through now and then and have caused engine failure, and there hasn't been too much the owner can do to claim recourse without expensive scientific proof.
But, whilst there is the chance of ethanol doing damage to a car longterm I can agree, I think shortterm, the analysis has been done on probable damage vs potential cost savings with a lot of money spent already by the fuel companies "in all likelihood" to not be a problem to vehicles. People can accept that or not accept that as they wish, but I know it's not going to be a major concern to me (or a $1500 engine, pft). Usually I am a very sceptical person on most things.
I guess we all have to accept it anyhow, as fact is, in 2-3 years we will have little choice on the matter. When you have the government, and Australia's largest industries that help fund the government (through tax and other 'incentives'), the odds are kind of stacked against the population on this one.