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Everything posted by Mr-Toy33

  1. Monday 10:50am and still havent received them or had a phone call about receiving them.
  2. Mr-Toy33

    Spit Today

    Anyone up for headin down to the spit today? Leaving brisbane at 12.30. If anyone wants to meet up at springwood, we can meet up at crazy clarks at 1pm and leave from there no later then 1.15pm. Only posting in this main QLD section due to short notice. Can be deleted or moved once we've all left. Who's up for it?
  3. We've seletced 1st of October night time to do the photo shoot based on the results from the voting. We'll kick it off late in the arvo just as the sun is setting and then find another stop to do the night shots with a good back drop. Any places of interest people can suggest? we have 2wks to now organise this properly!
  4. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=130753
  5. Could a mod close this now as I havent found any online lately
  6. haha, last time i went to the casino i won $1,700 last time i scratched a scratchy, won $500 sorta got the luck of the draw.
  7. Except I'm in Brisbane. I wouldnt receive mine today. hehehe. All good, just gettin an idea so I know to head to the reception office to pickup the box.
  8. yeh, won $5,400
  10. So the 15 people above that you've now received payments from, their packages will be sent off and we should get them either Tuesday or Wednesday next week?
  11. Going to have this closed in an hour or so!
  12. Money sent! Pm sent with receipt details.
  14. Any local high school from their science department
  15. Have opened a voting thread to see what interest we can get from which day and time. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=133984
  16. This thread is not open for discussion as we have a previous thread already open for discussion on this. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=133168 Please vote on 1 of the above for us to get an idea on when we should actually do this. Locations are still being discussed in the above thread link. The location will depend on the outcome of this vote. OPTION SELECTED IS FOR THE 1ST OF OCTOBER.
  17. At this stage, I'm wanting to do this, this coming saturday (16th of Sept). I would do it on the 23rd but unfortantly no can do as I'll be out at Jamboree as well as many others I'm sure. Other choice is the wknd after Jamboree which will be the 30th of Sept. So who would perfer which one? 16th or 30th of Sept?
  18. w000t! more burgandy skylines!! as mud would say - BURGANDY SKYLINES FTW!!!
  19. we'll push it for ya
  20. Nahh, thats the AVC-R PowerFC hand controller is located down next to my left leg.
  21. nahh, dont see them being dimmer. actually a bit brighter but they are actually white, no blue in them, making them perfectly legal to have.
  22. Got a set of Philip's crystal clear parkers and headlights in there. Nice and white. None of that tacky yellow colour from the standard ones.
  23. 3 of mine taken at night after a night out cruisin. taken at 12.30am in the carpark of my unit block. will post some day time pics up shortly
  24. didnt end up runnin. hopin to get out there this wk though. gettin sick of puttin it off every wk now!
  25. that can be discussed more!
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