As easter is coming up pretty soon and the wknds of cold/cool air are arising apon us (best suited for the turbo's of course), I thought it would be time now to start organising a easter cruise.
The weekend I'm looking at is the 22nd and/or 23rd of April.
The cruise will be open to all skylines from Skylines Australia as well as any other clubs for skyliners to join in.
Im putting forward the option to vote on the destionation to cruise to. Depending on the location, we can then discussion which day would be better suited for this. The voting for this will be open for 1 wk only.
Voting closes next wednesday, 5th April.
Now, if the choice of Mt Tamborine or Summerset Dam or Wyvenhoe Dam has been choosen and we opt to cruise on the sunday, the cruise will kick off at around 10/10.30 for an arrival of approximately 11.30/12 at the location from Brisbane. This will allow us to then have lunch (bbq, etc), sit/stand around and have a talk. Then from here, we can kick on and head for the spit for those that want to hit the coast of the afternoon. From there, we can cruise back to Brisbane and go our own way home.
This is open for discussion and note this is NOT AN OFFICAL SAU-QLD cruise.
In regards to the BBQ. Myself and a few other people will organise this.
A sausage & bread with sauce will be $1 or something like that.
A can of drink will be a $1 or something like that as well.
To get a better idea of how many sausages, drinks, etc we need. We need to get votes, feedback and opinions.