You have not once offered to replace the intercooler with a hybrid one at any stage. I still have all the PM'S from you and after going through them, you did not offer to replace it with a hybrid one. you said "send it back and i'll send you a replacement one" to which i was a bit concerned about sending back to you in terms that i wouldnt have a clue if i would of got one back or not. Only reason I have that thought in the back of my mind is based on the way you've come across through the PM'S.
Still, NO INVOICE! and even still, you have NOT offered to send another one to me.
you expect a fair and honest customer? i've been nothing but honest here and to tell you the truth, why should someone be fair to you when your not even being fair back to them?
You've showed no business ethnics of keeping a customer satisified. I've delt with another trader from off here in terms of buying goods from him and he's stuck by his word all the way and have not had any problems with him.
The intercooler was used. As far as myself and others who have looked at the intercooler, would not be able to be as damaged as it was through transit nor gain any scratch's on the top and bottom of the intercooler. I'm not talking to australia post when they are not the ones who sent me a used intercooler.
The images from the previous thread show what i am talking about.